Most Important Commandment
Scripture Mark 12:30 And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment.
Observation: So how can we love like that? To love someone with all your heart He must abide in it. That my actions are a reflection of my love for Him that others can see. Our eternal soul is His and each day we should think of what it will be like to be with Him in heaven. Our mind must be trained to focus on God every decision should be based on if it honors God or self. Our strength is to be used for God’s glory in service. Jesus continued to show us how important service and ministries are to God and we use our strength to accomplish God’s will and if we need more that we would be assured that He will give it.
Application: I still have a long way to go to love God the way He deserves me to love Him, but each day I must get closer to that goal. It’s hard to rid myself of selfishness, but that what needs to go before I can make the commitment of love that God deserves.
Prayer My Lord help me love You in the way You deserve. You are worthy of all of my love, praise worship and time. May my life honor You today. I do love You.