Pre Tribulation Rapture?
Scripture Luke 21:36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
Observation: With everything happening in this world it appears it won’t be long before Jesus returns for His children. I’ve been doing some research when we would be raptured and the majority of theologians agree with a pre tribulation rapture, which I pray it will be. This verse seems to support that theory when Jesus says for those counted worthy can escape all things that will come to pass.
Application: No matter when Jesus calls us home, we must be ready. This is not a time to sit back to see what might happen but be busy fulfilling the calling God has given us. We need to be visible to others especially family members and keep them in prayer, God has called us to be a witness to others and to help guide them to Jesus.
Prayer My Lord thank you for allowing me to be your child. Fill me with the Holy Spirit as I walk and talk to others, put on my heart what to do and say. You are worthy of my very best, may that be what I offer You each day.