God’s Will Done on Earth
Scripture Luke 11:2 So He said to them, “When you pray, say:
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Observation: I’ve heard commentaries that this will be on the new earth and not this one. If you look around on this earth you can see why God’s will is not being done or will be done on this current earth. This world is moving farther and farther away for God’s will and more towards Satan’s. God’s name that should be hallowed is mostly blasphemed, but the time is coming.
Application: I should never waver from what God has called me to do. Even if the world doesn’t do God’s will I must no matter what happens I need to cry out to God every day for direction, fulfilling the purpose He has given me.
Prayer My Lord I know there is nothing that You can’t do. You could command everyone now to do your will, but I know how gracious You are. You want our obedience to be out of love. I’m waiting for the day that Your will be done on a new earth, guide me today to honor You.