Daily Devotional

Being of Good Cheer

Scripture Acts 23:11 But the following night the Lord stood by him and said, “Be of good cheer, Paul; for as you have testified for Me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome.”

Observation: Our Lord encourages us on our journey. God didn’t have to encourage Paul, He is God and could just have commanded him, but our God knows us and that we need to be encouraged at times. The best place for us to be is in His will and if we spend time with our Lord he’ll guide us each day. Our journey is a day at a time and God wants to lead us step by step.

Application: A day doesn’t go by that my Lord doesn’t encourage me with the people He puts in my path. He guides me on this journey and lets me know if I’m following Him and doing His will. At times I get distracted, but He is always there getting my attention and putting me back on the path.

Prayer My God and love. I want to finish well and I know the enemy will do what he can to alter my course. Please keep me close and don’t allow me to be distracted from the goal that You set before me.

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