Judging Can Condemn Us
Scripture Romans 2:1 Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.
Observation: I’m getting better not to judge others but I can’t get through a day without doing it at least once. It may be about simple things such as appearance or actions and yet I’m no better than those I judge. I’ll judge someone who is wearing a mask outside or who has had the COVID Vaccine as someone who is scared and conforms to society, but I’m no better. I still live in fear, maybe not of a disease, but can become afraid by other physical pains. Everyone is God’s creation and I have no right to judge anyone, except myself and that is enough reasonability for anyone.
Application: Each day live knowing the only control I have in this life is me and to be the best me I can be for Jesus. Not to judge others, but to love them as my Lord loves them. Bring a smile and laughter when I can and comfort those that may be hurting. I’m Jesus representative and I need to do the best I can.
Prayer My Lord give me a more loving heart. As I walk help me stay focused on You and why You have me here. Taking away any thoughts that are not of You and as I walk open my heart and eyes to your will in your servant’s life.