Daily Devotional

Living A Life Worthy

Scripture: Colossians 1: [10] And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,

Observation: How can I please God in every way? So many of the things that I do must be displeasing to Him so what do I do? I do very few good works and the ones I do or attempt to do don’t seem to bear much fruit, but I want more than anything to do these things.

Application: The last part growing in the knowledge of God is what I need to be doing. I need to understand what He desires of me so I can please Him, do the works that God has predestined me to do so they will bear fruit and most importantly spend more time with Him and listen without talking.

Prayer: Dear Lord I love you with all of my heart and I ask you to forgive me for not acting that way. Draw me nearer to You and open my heart and mind to the things you desire of me. I’m your creation, slave, servant and child do with me has you will.

I Want To Know the Secret

Scripture: Philippians 4 [12] I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

Observation: I also have been through all phases in my life where I made more money than I thought I could and being in bankruptcy. Yet in either situation was I content. I always had my desires measure whether I was content or not and my desires always were of the world. Even after becoming a Christian in some of my most spiritual moments and blessings of God, my mind would still dwell on the secular things of life.

Application: Stop measuring situations and things by the standards of this world and measure them by God’s. God has given me everything I need and this life is almost over and I’ll be home where I belong. My content should be based on how I’m living for God and not myself. At the end of each day my contentment should always be found in my relationship with Christ.

Prayer: Dear Father you have supplied beyond my needs and blessed me with things that I know I don’t deserve. Guide me each day in knowing what blesses You and then show me how I may please You.

Looking Ahead and Not Back

Scripture: Philippians 3 [13] Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,

Observation: That was my old life always looking back thinking how I should have done things instead of how I did them. The past is exactly that the past and there is nothing we can do to change it. The only thing we can use the past for is instruction on how to live in the future. Not to make the same mistakes again.

Application: I have a purpose and need to strive on doing God’s will for the rest of my life. Using the past to remind me only of God’s faithfulness in keeping His promises. I need to seek Him each day and let Him guide me through the present into the future.

Prayer: Dear Lord You are so faithful and you have always been there for me. Take hold of my hand and lead me through the rest of my life and show me how You want me to live this life for your glory.

Dear Lord Humble Your Servant

Scripture: Philippians 2 [3] Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.

Observation: Since I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior I’ve been doing much better putting the needs of others above my own, but not enough to honor God. The Word says do nothing out of selfish ambition, yet my first thoughts are still of me and How will I benefit from a situation. Even when I do something that would honor God and meet the needs of others I still have that tendency to get some credit for it, instead of giving all the glory to God.

Application: Remember I am not here for me but for God and others. My purpose is to spread the gospel so others may here it and allow the Holy Spirit to work in their hearts. People will only listen if they know I care so I need to continue to work on my heart and care for others above myself.

Prayer: Dear Lord you have renewed my mind and I ask that you continue to change me into the likeness of Your Son.

I Want to Exalt Christ

Scripture: Philippians 1:[20] I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.

Observation: Courage is something I lack, no matter what it is. I’m not sure what I’m afraid of or what I think the consequences might be if I stand up for what is right. I know I’m afraid at times of being embarrassed, but why? Why should I care what others think if what I’m doing is right by Jesus. Jesus tells me if I acknowledge Him before men, He will acknowledge me before the Father and He also tells me if I deny Him before men He will deny me before the Father.

Application: I should realize I’m only here because God chose for me to be here. I have no other purpose but God’s for my life. If I’m going to be afraid, I should be afraid of letting my Father down, not others. I need to make a stand for Jesus, because what can man do to me?

Prayer: Dear Lord forgive me for my cowardness in the past and be with me and give me the strength and courage it will take to lead a life in glory and honor to you.

How to Serve

Scripture: Ephesians 6:[7] Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men,

Observation: I’ve been attempting to have a different attitude at work by remembering that everything I do should be for my Lord. I’ve been more loving and friendly towards other, but still have my sarcastic moments as I express my inner feelings. I realize I’m only here for a little while longer and I need to make the best effort I can to be more like Christ in this world to help point others to Him.

Application: I need to die to self. My pride gets in the way and I need to realize all I have comes from God and I need to use those gifts for His glory not mine. I need to stay in prayer throughout the day to keep in my heart that my service is to my King.

Prayer: Dear Lord humble your servant that I may honor you in all that I do. I’m here only through your good graces, may I fulfill the purpose your created your servant for.

Understanding the Lord’s Will

Scripture: Ephesians: [17] Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.

Observation: I will like to say that I don’t know what God’s will is, so I can live a life of selfishness. Yet He wrote it down in His word. I know how I’m supposed to live, I know I should be using my gifts to help others, I know what I’m not supposed to do, I know what God has written in His world, but I don’t live it every day.

Application: My time in this place continues to get shorter and I draw near to going home. I need to live the life God has in store for me here with obedience and make a difference for Him.

Prayer: Dear Lord take my hand and my heart and lead me through each day. Take away this laziness and give me strength and courage to do your will in my life.