Daily Devotional

I‘m One of the Foolish Things

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1: [27] But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

Observation: So many times I think of this verse and jokingly I say to God “I get it!” I’m truly one of the foolish things as I look back on my life. All the dumb things I have done. But now God is going to use those foolish things as a testimony for others and my weakness show others God’s strength.

Application: I need to be sharing more my testimony and how God has dragged me out of the pit into salvation. I should show people by my actions that I am a changed man, changing more and more into the image of Jesus. I will get an opportunity next Thursday to serve the poor at a Thanksgiving dinner, my God get all the glory.

Prayer: Dear Lord open doors for me to share your love with others. May my life be a testimony on your mercy and grace and may I never stop telling others about your love for me and my love for you.

Tested and Approved

Scripture: Romans 16:10 Greet Apelles, tested and approved in Christ.
Greet those who belong to the household of Aristobulus.

Observation: That is what I want to be is tested and approved in Christ. I continue to get tested, but most of the time I fall short of being approved. My thoughts are too much on me and not enough on what God wants of me. I feel I hear God’s voice, but ignore it or make excuses.

Application: I need to devote more time for things of God. This is the first time in months I’ve written in this journal and I find myself watching more and more television. Even now we are planning a Thanksgiving Dinner for the poor and I’m beginning to get nervous and getting selfish with my time.

Prayer: Dear Lord guide your servant and give me strength and discipline to do the things of you. Please take this laziness away that I may honor you and be approved of Christ.

As I Trust in Him

Scripture: Romans 15: 13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Observation: God fills me with joy and peace with the measure I trust in Him. So how often do I trust God that He will do what He tells me He will do? Unfortunately not anywhere near as often as I should. God is trustworthy all the time so why don’t I trust Him all the time?

Application: To trust God in every situation every day. He is always with me and has already worked so many miracles in my life. My joy and peace will only come from the trust I have that God is watching over me and He is in control. I do what to overflow with hope and I know the Holy Spirit is only waiting until I trust in Him, He has the power.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith that I will trust in you. I am a sinner and still so self-centered, take that away from me and have me focus on You and your power, that I will fulfill the purpose you have created me for.

Faithless Sin

Scripture: Romans 14:[23] But the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin.

Observation: I think how weak my faith is at times without realizing it is sin. There is no reason not to have faith in God who can do all things and when I don’t trust Him it must hurt His heart. He has done so much in my life and has never given up on me, I shouldn’t be giving up on Him.

Application: Realize how important faith is to God, He calls it sin not to have it. Be confident that God is with me and things will work out the way He desires, not me. No matter what happens I belong to God and I need to trust Him in all things.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith and guide me in this journey. Give me the courage to live my life in glory and honor to you.

Authority Is from God

Scripture: Romans 13: 1 Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

Observation: It’s hard to believe at times that the governing authority could have anything to do with God. God doesn’t only allow good things to happen but allows bad things to strengthen us. If we are obedient to His word and do what is right it honors God and that is all that really matters.

Application: Stop complaining about the way things are and pray and trust God with everything. Support what is right in our leadership and help put the right people in power of positions to make a difference.

Prayer: Dear Lord guide our leaders may they lead in biblical principles and be guided by your love and authority.

Do Not Conform

Scripture: Romans 12: [2] Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Observation: I’m always trying to conform to this world, or get someone else’s approval above God’s. I forget I don’t belong here and was created to live elsewhere, my home with God. I will never find God’s will if I keep looking away from Him.

Application: Be obedient to God and put His desires above mine. Search out the things He wants of me and strive to discover His will for my life. Live my life for Him and not me and my comfort and desires. Be the man God wants and no one else.

Prayer: Dear Lord I’m yours, use me as you desire. Help me focus on the things of you and not this world. Please give me the courage and wisdom to live this life for you.

Why Do I Try to Figure Him Out?

Scripture: Romans 11: 34 “Who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who has been his counselor?”

Observation: I don’t know why I try to figure things out for myself when it comes to God. I think, why would God do that or that doesn’t make sense to me. That is where faith comes in and obedience to do His will. If I understood everything my mind would explode and I would no longer walk in faith but my own knowledge.

Application: Know that God is always with me and if I ask for wisdom He will give it to me and guide me a day at a time. Stop trying to figure things out and worry about future events and trust in God that He will handle each situation as it comes if I let Him.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith, that I may fully trust You in all things. Help me give everything to you and fulfill the purpose you have created me for. Give me peace and a calm spirit.