Daily Devotional

Give Thanks in All Circumstances

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5: [18] give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Observation: I’m at a situation at work that all I do is complain or worry and am negative about everything. I read this scripture today and felt remorse that I feel this way for all God has done for me. If I would focus on what God has done for me and that he is not limited in any situation and has things under control I can be thankful for what he is doing and not what I’m going through.

Application: Remember that God is in control and loves me. He has a purpose and those facts alone should make me thankful no matter what I’m going through. So I need to be thankful in all circumstances, not because of the circumstances but because He is with me and loves me

Prayer: Dear Lord forgive me that I don’t always see you, even though you are there. I am thankful that you are my God and I ask you to continue to work on me and draw me closer to you. Thank you for all you do for me and for who you are in my life.

Living to Please God

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:1 Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more.

Observation: God as instructed us how to live in his word, it tells us what to do and also what not to do, he makes his will clear to us. Unfortunately it is very different from the way we want to live some of the time.

Application: Need to start each day with a plan to live that day in the manner God desires me to live. Think before I act or speak to make sure that I honor God with all that I do. When I catch myself doing something that God would not be pleased with, ask for forgiveness and change what I was doing.

Prayer: Dear Lord I need your help today to live a life that will be pleasing to you. I can’t do it in my flesh I will need you strength to do what is right and honoring to you. May I end this day knowing that you were pleased with me.

Increasing Our Love for Each Other

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 3:12 May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as our does for you.

Observation: I need to ask the Lord to make my love stronger for others since I have such a difficult time doing it on my own. I seem to always look at my own needs and how people affect my feelings instead of just loving them for who they are. There is nothing I can do apart from God. I need Him for all that I do and need his help to love others the way he commands me to love others.

Application: To give it to God and ask for his help each day and his strength. If God can love me after all I have done to him I surely can love his children. I need to look at others as his creation and children that He loves.

Prayer: Dear God give me the ability to love others the way you desire me to love. May I please you the way I care for your children as you have cared for me. I love you Lord.

Actually The Word of God

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:13 And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work in you who believe.

Observation: The word is from God, everything that He said is true and has come about in my life. God’s word is working in my life continually changing me and drawing me nearer to him. I don’t do what I used to do before Him and my attitude and the way I see things has changed to what his word said it would.

Application: I need to keep in his word and spend the rest of my life drawing nearer to him and obeying what he tells me. To finish this race in a way that will glorify him. That this work He begun in me will be finished when I go home.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for your word and your love. Continue to speak to me and open my eyes to what you desire of me. Help me get through this day without sinning and be a model of what you what me to be.

Chosen By God

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:4 For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you.

Observation: What I wonderful way to address someone as loved by God, and we are. We are also chosen by God. What an honor that God calls me to be a Christian and that I have been chosen to do specific work for my Father. Loved and chosen, how could I feel bad about myself?

Application: I need to remember who I am for God and not who the world says I am. I have a purpose and have been chosen to do good works and it’s time I get busy and do them. Pray each morning and have God guide me to fulfill the purpose he has created me for.

Prayer: Dear Lord open my eyes today to see the things you desire me to see and do the things you called me to do. I am here for you, use me to please you.

Speak with Grace

Scripture: Colossians 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Observation: No matter who I’m talking to I must be loving, full of grace so they may listen to me when I speak of God. My thoughts must be of God so I may see the opportunity to present the gospel without turning them away. I’m here to represent Christ and help open the eyes to those who do not know him.

Application: It is difficult for me at times to speak with grace because I have my own opinion and I want to be heard. I need to realize who I represent and my purpose in life is to bring others to Christ so the only agenda I should have is His. To look at each person through the eyes of God and speak to their hearts so they may hear.

Prayer: Dear Lord soften the heart of your servant and teach me how to speak with the grace you give me each day. You are worthy of my best and I ask you to use me today to come closer to you.

Working for the Lord

Scripture: Colossians 3:[23] Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,

Observation: I am going through some hardships at work and really don’t like my job and would really want to just quit. I focus on how bad my future would be with this company and how I dislike the type of work I’m doing. I’m so focused on the negative part of my job that I’m not focused on my job I do for Christ. God has put me here and as given me the abilities to do a good job.

Application: Stop focusing on how I dislike my job and put my attention on my Lord. Do a job that will glorify Him each day so my earthly boss will see the person that my heavenly boss sees. At the end of each day glorify God with the work I accomplished and let him lead me to either a different job or a renewed spirit for this one.

Prayer: Dear Lord I’m your workmanship and you deserve the best I can do. May the end of each day give you pleasure by your creation, that the job is done to please you and not others.