Daily Devotional

Speaking the Word of God

Scripture 2 Chron 18:13 And Micaiah said, “As the LORD lives, whatever my God says, that I will speak.”

Observation: God puts things on our heart to say to others and to speak to us. When we don’t hear a direct word from God there is God’s word. When we speak we should speak to encourage other and to glorify God, not our self. Unfortunately most of the time I speak is to glorify myself. If we did what God calls us to do we would never say anything we need to take back, never have to say we are sorry for something we said, people would be attracted to us and God would be glorified by what comes out of our mouth.

Application: I need to wait before I speak I need to pray before words come out of my mouth. I need to stay in God’s word so I know what to say and that I will be a tool for God. I need to remove all of this pride from me and live for my Lord helping His children and my brothers and sisters. I’m here as a servant and nothing else so I need to serve my Lord by serving others in His name with a humble heart and kind words.

Prayer: My Lord I can’t to this myself. I’m a sinner and evil and the words that come out of my mouth are often used to build me up and not you. Change my heart and soften my spirit and may I always do what you desire of me and may I look at the needs of others above my own.

Loving God from Our Heart

Scripture 2 Chron 17:6 And his heart took delight in the ways of the LORD; moreover he removed the high places and wooden images from Judah.

Observation: There is a difference from following God’s commands and taking delight in doing so. To do because you feel you should or have to opposed to doing it because you desire to do so. To love someone so much that it pleases you to serve them and to make them happy that’s the way God wants us to obey His commands. When we get to this point our greatest desire is to please our Lord and when we are serving Him, we know this is what brings me joy, that is what pleases God.

Application: That is the way I need to serve not because it is what I feel I’m supposed to do but rather that I want to do it above anything else, because it pleases God. I served this last Saturday at the beach serving hot dogs at our Oceanfest, I enjoyed doing it because I knew it honored God, but I still thought how nice it would have been to do something else, like sleeping in. That’s not the way it should be, I want it to be that there is nothing else I would rather do than to have that opportunity to glorify God. I need to change my heart.

Prayer: Dear lord give me a heart for you that you are the first thing on my heart and my only desire is to please you. Take this heart of stone and make it flesh and take it for yourself, that it will serve you in the way that pleases you. I love you and I want my life to show you that.

The Lord is Watching

Scripture 2 Chron 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. In this you have done foolishly; therefore from now on you shall have wars.”

Observation: Our God knows all and sees what we are doing. He knows who is faithful to Him and obedient to His commands. We can’t fool or hide from Him, He has blessing and rewards to those who seek Him and He trials for those who don’t in hope their eyes might be opened. God’s goal is to bring us to eternal life through Jesus Christ and do it with free will. He’s watching and guiding us, but allowing us the final decision.

Application: God knows when I’m on and off the path He chooses for me I can’t justify my actions he knows the truth, better than I do. I need to live my life knowing that He is watching me so when I think I’m doing something in private, there is no such thing when it comes to God.

Prayer: Dear Lord please guide me and give me strength not to sin and to seek you always. Help me live a life that will honor you and be pleasing. I want to finish well, but I stray so often, I need you Lord to keep me walking towards you, hold my hand and guide this servant. I love you and want to glorify Your name.

Seek the Lord and You Will Find Him

Scripture 2 Chron 15:2 And he went out to meet Asa, and said to him: “Hear me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin. The LORD is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you.

Observation: Being a good child of God is a two way street, God isn’t going to do all of the work He desires more from us. God is with us when we are with Him, when we are reading His word, praying, doing His will God is with us watching over us, but if we are sinning God cannot stand sin and He no longer is with us until we ask for forgiveness. God is always there but we need to seek Him to find Him. If we have no interest in God He can be right in front of us and we’ll never see Him. If we decide to forsake God and go our own way or the enemy’s way God will have nothing to do with us and will allow us to take the sinful journey away from Him, it’s our choice.

Application: I need to realize I have a responsibility in this journey of life. God will be there for me when I search Him out, if I acknowledge God before others He will acknowledge me before the Father, but if I forsake my Lord then I’m left alone to deal with things I can’t deal with. God has a wonderful journey in store for me I just need to be close to Him at all times and not wander off the path, but stay close to my Dad.

Prayer: My Lord help me stay focused on you. Take any sinful, lustful, selfish ways from me and make my heart pure. May I seek you in the morning till the time I fall asleep at night, may I be an example of your love to others.

Crying Out to the Lord

Scripture 2 Chron 14:11 And Asa cried out to the LORD his God, and said, “LORD, it is nothing for You to help, whether with many or with those who have no power; help us, O LORD our God, for we rest on You, and in Your name we go against this multitude. O LORD, You are our God; do not let man prevail against You!”

Observation: I wish I had the faith of king Asa. Up against unbelievable odds he knew God can do anything. Asa did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, is the way this chapter starts. He honored God and was obedient and he had faith that God will answer his prayers and there was no reason to fear. God fought the battle and defeated Asa’s enemies as Asa knew he could. That is the kind of faith I need to be in God’s will and know that no matter what happens God will take care of it.

Application: I need to have a stronger faith. God has never given me a reason to doubt Him, He has always come through. It’s not God’s abilities, but my lack of faith that causes things to go wrong from time to time. My Lord has always been there for me and He comforts me each day I need to be obedient and trust in Him with all of my heart and mind.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith. Give me the faith of Asa not doubting you for a moments and to always be obedient to all you call of me. Take this anxiety away and give me the faith I will need to make it through each day.

Relying on the Lord

Scripture 2 Chron 13:18 Thus the children of Israel were subdued at that time; and the children of Judah prevailed, because they relied on the LORD God of their fathers.

Observation: How often do we rely on our Lord? We may pray and hope for an answered prayer, but do we rely on Him every day for our needs and direction? Relying is when we don’t worry because we know it will be taken care because we depend on our Lord for everything. No matter what the outcome it is in God’s hand and we rely on Him to guide us through any and all trials. Relying on God means we no longer rely on others or even ourselves. We pray and ask for direction each day and live a life according to His word and will.

Application: I still rely on myself to get through each day for the most part. While I’m doing that I know I’m missing God’s will and purpose. I need to pray proverbs 3:5,6 each day and depend and trust Him with this life He has given me, it’s still His, I have it on loan. I need to trust in the Lord with all of my heart and not lean on my own understanding, but in all of my ways acknowledge Him and He will make my paths straight.

Prayer: Dear Lord I am stubborn and self-centered. Free me from this so that I may see your direction for this life. I want to please you above all things help me stay focused on you. I want to finish well, please guide and direct me and that all that happens to me, that you get the glory.

When We Humble Ourselves

Scripture 2 Chron 12:12 When he humbled himself, the wrath of the LORD turned from him, so as not to destroy him completely; and things also went well in Judah.

Observation: Pride has hurt me all of my life, even to this day. I was just talking to Dave, my client at work, about how he told me when I first started there it seemed as if I didn’t want to be here. When I look back he was right. I use to have a more prestige’s job and I had a hard time humbling myself to do my current job. When he told me I went to the Word and started to say Philippians, work as you are working for the Lord and not for man.” God gave me this job and I was to humble myself and do it for God’s glory. As time has gone by I see how God has used me there to help serve others and to do outreaches using the kitchen.

Application: I need to continue to humble myself each day. My ego is as big as my stomach and I need to stop feeding it. I need to realize everything I have including my abilities and talents are all from God and apart from Him I can do nothing. I’m a servant to my King and He commands me to be a servant to others and there is no room for pride in the role of a servant. Any pride should be that I am a child of the King and that is something others should know about me.

Prayer: My Lord and my Master. Humble your servant before you and command me in the things you desire of me. Give me a heart for others and not my own ego. May others see me as a servant to you and that you would rid me of this selfish pride. May I serve you always.