Daily Devotional

A Debt for the Evil

Scripture Judges 9:57 And all the evil of the men of Shechem God returned on their own heads, and on them came the curse of Jotham the son of Jerubbaal.

Observation: We look around today and see that evil people are prospering and we wonder where God. We seem to forget our reward is not in this world but with our Lord in the next. God repays evil with evil, but His concern is with His children when they come home. When people do us wrong it is an opportunity for us to build treasures in heaven by paying evil with good and forgiveness. We should never worry about others, especially those who do evil, because God has it under control and the only person we have control over is us.

Application: I need to be focused more on my eternal home and what I should be doing here to earn the rewards God has set aside for me. There are so many evil people, but God wants them to repent and be saved and He wants to use us to help make this happen. When I see someone who is lost I need to show love and mercy and let God do any judging of His children. I need to be the best I can be for God

Prayer: Dear Lord may I be more concerned about the person I’m becoming and less about anyone else. May I show a loving spirit to all You surround me with. Change my heart to be more like your Son’s and lead me in the way you everlasting.

How Can We Forget?

Scripture Judges 8:34 Thus the children of Israel did not remember the LORD their God, who had delivered them from the hands of all their enemies on every side;

Observation: I look at the Israelites and can’t believe how soon they can forget all that God has done for them. At times I wish God would have just destroyed these people as He destroyed the pagan nations around them. God continues to be there for them when they cry out and then some time passes and they go back to worshipping other idols. As I get mad at them and then think of my own life I see how I fall into the same state of mind. At one moment I’m praising God for what He is doing in my life and that a short time passes and I’m filled with anxiety when another challenge comes to me forgetting how God delivered me before. I think of my belongings, my feeling, my position instead of focusing on my Lord that gives me all these things and more.

Application: Before I turn away from God whether in anxiety or my own personal desires I need each day to think of all He has done and who He is. He is my Master and my King and His desires come before me. He should be my focus each day and I need to live my life with Him at the center of it. My life belongs to Him and all that I have and am is only because He desires it. If I had my way I would have been dead about 25 years ago and burning in Hell where I belong, but He bought me with a price and owns me and there is nowhere else I rather be.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for not giving up on me and seeing something worthwhile in this lowly servant. Thank you for your mercy and grace and using something I thought was useless. May I never forget all you have done for me and all that you desire to be done with this life that you spared. I love you Lord, use me to bear fruit in your name.

The Reassurance of the Lord

Scripture Judges 7:10 But if you are afraid to go down, go down to the camp with Purah your servant,

Observation: In this passage God as told Gideon that He will deliver their enemy into their hands. You would think that would be enough that the Lord tells you something that we should believe and obey, but God understands how weak we are and wants us to be assure of His provision. He proved beforehand to Gideon that He would do what He said He would do by showing him first. He is God and always does what He claims to do, but still loves us so much wants us to know that He will accomplish all for His glory.

Application: I shouldn’t need God’s reassurance for all that He does I should never have a doubt if He calls me to a task I should just do it by faith. However I’m weak and lazy and a sinner and I doubt at times. I can’t count how many times God has reassured me before hand before I take on a task for Him. He is always with me and never lets me fail when I’m doing something for His glory.

Prayer: My Lord you have put Proverbs 3:5 & 6 on my heart, “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart. Do not lean on your own understanding, but in all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.” I believe oh Lord, help me with my unbelief.

God Are You With Us?

Scripture Judges 6:13 Gideon said to Him, “O my lord, if the LORD is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all His miracles which our fathers told us about, saying, ‘Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt?’ But now the LORD has forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.”

Observation: It seems when things get bad in this world we are ready to blame God. If there was a God none of this would happen seems to be the cry of those that don’t know Him. We don’t want to take the blame ourselves when things go wrong, even though it was our poor judgment and not asking God for guidance before we get into these messes. Our Lord said we would have trials and tribulations, but that He will always be with us, if we let Him. We do things the way we want to do them and it’s not until all is lost that we bring God into the equation and that is usually only to blame Him for our stupidity.

Application: I need to seek God before I do anything and if I mess up and do something on my own without His counsel I need to be man enough to admit it and ask for my Lord’s forgiveness. I know I’ll come up against trials in my life and the more I try to be what God calls me to be, Satan will take a shot, but that is when I need to focus more on God and less on my situation.

Prayer: My Lord forgive me for my stupidity at times and give me wisdom to seek you in all that I do. I know you want the best for me and that you desire me to bear fruit before coming home. Show me the way to live that I’ll be able to build up treasures at home and bring a smile to your face when you think of me.

Willingly Offering Ourselves

Scripture Judges 5:2 “When leaders lead in Israel, When the people willingly offer themselves, Bless the LORD!

Observation: When we offer ourselves to others we bless the Lord. This Thursday is Thanksgiving and we will be doing a dinner at the Army and Navy Academy for the homeless and military. I’ve asked for servants for this event and I have more than enough and had to turn away volunteers. The people are willing to give of themselves to bless others and return bless God. He asks us to bear fruit and to do good works and this will be an opportunity to do so and God will be glorified.

Application: It’s been awhile since I’ve willingly have given myself to serve others. I do it once in a while and pretend it’s enough or more than some others might do, but in reality my purpose is to serve as my Lord served me. I’m called to be a servant a servant to all and not occasionally but all of the time. I need to find more ways to serve others whether in the church or outside of it I’m here to serve as if I’m serving my God, which I am.

Prayer: Dear Lord your servant is lazy, help strengthen me to be a better servant for you. May I not put myself above anyone else, but be last as you call me to do. May I serve others that your name will be glorified. You deserve all I have, may I give it willingly, always.

Our Lord is Before Us

Scripture Judges 4:14 Then Deborah said to Barak, “Up! For this is the day in which the LORD has delivered Sisera into your hand. Has not the LORD gone out before you?” So Barak went down from Mount Tabor with ten thousand men following him.

Observation: We forget sometimes that God already knows what is before us because He has already been there. He knows what we are going to come up against and He knows how we are going to react. He tells us if we would trust in Him He would guide us and make a path before us. There is nothing we will go through that will surprise our Lord and no matter what trials we might be going through God has gone out before us to make a way, but we must follow Him and stay on the course He has placed us on.

Application: I need to stop worrying so much about everything. My anxiety is a sign that I don’t trust God who has been trustworthy all of my life. I need to be more focused on what God desires of me and less time spent on thinking and worrying about each situation. If I’m focused on God’s will for each situation I will be able to see more clearly what he desires in each situation and see Him before me so that I may follow closely.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for loving me so much. Thank you that you clear the way for me to bear fruit and to follow the plans you have made for me. May I stay close to you and be right behind you. Help me with my belief and give me the wisdom I will need to follow you with all of my heart.

Giving God The Credit

Scripture Judges 3:28 Then he said to them, “Follow me, for the LORD has delivered your enemies the Moabites into your hand.” So they went down after him, seized the fords of the Jordan leading to Moab, and did not allow anyone to cross over.

Observation: Ehud the leader at this time could have taken the credit for what God had done, but did what was right and gave God the glory. How many times during the course of the day do we take credit for what God has done in our lives. He has given us all of our abilities and talents also the opportunities, but when we are in front of others do we give God the glory or do we take the credit ourselves? I know for myself it is too hard at times not taking the credit to impress others when it wasn’t me at all but God working through me. We’re here to honor, obey, praise and give God the glory, how are you doing?

Application: There is nothing I can do apart from God and even though I realize it others around me must realize it also. Anything good that comes from me is from God, if I bear fruit it is only because God is guiding me. I need to give Him all of the glory and worship Him with this life He has given me, May I always glorify my Lord to everyone around me.

Prayer: Oh my Lord take this pride from me and show me how to point others to you. I’m here as your servant only and your representative in a fallen world. Use me for your glory. May I be a good advertisement for your love.