Category: Daily Devotional

The World Will Pass Away

Scripture: 1 John 2: [17] The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.

Observation: I do not want the world and desires to mean anything to me. Unfortunately I think more about them then I do of God most of the time. My heart’s desire is to do the will of the Father, but my everyday thoughts are so grounded in what is around me instead of what is in me.

Application: If I’m going to do the will of the Father that must be in the forefront of every thought. I need to be living for eternity and not just for now. I need to look at my surroundings and know they are going to pass away and are only temporary. I need to live for God and God only now.

Prayer: Dear Father open my eyes to your desires, make them mine. Give me the heart of Jesus and show me each day how to do your will. I know I will live with you for all eternity, may I start now.

Walking in the Light

Scripture: 1 John 1: [7] But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

Observation: There is always a condition to God’s blessing and this one is that we need to walk in the light. Make a decision we will do what is right, as Jesus does we are purified from our sins and I know in my case that takes a lot of purification. The other part of the verse is that we will have fellowship with each other and since I’ve been saved a desire that, where before I wanted to be left alone to my own devices.

Application: I need to make a decision to walk in the light of Christ. I know when I’m in the light and out of it God makes a definite distinction and it’s a decision I must make. Spend more time with my brothers and sisters in Christ helping them and being part of their ministries.

Prayer: Dear Lord guide me each day in the path you have chosen for me and make it clear to your servant the direction you want me to go. May I fulfill the purpose you have created me for in glory and honor to your name.

Live Holy and Godly Lives

Scripture: 2 Peter 3:11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives

Observation: Am I living a holy and Godly life? I can only do that by living the life God wants me to live which means to die of self, but that’s not how I live most of the time. I have my moments when I know I honor God, but they are two few and far between. To live the life I’m called to live my focus is to live each moment for God in a way that honors him.

Application: The only way I can live a Godly life is to allow God to live through me. To be in prayer and ask myself before I do anything, am I honoring God by this choice, is this what God wants me to do. At the end of the day in prayer I’ll know if I honored God, when I feel his embrace and hear the words I want to hear, well done good and faithful servant.

Prayer: Dear Lord I’m a sinner and I know it and only by your mercy and grace am I saved and only by you can I live a holy life pleasing to you. Take charge of this servant. I freely give you this life, take it and create in it something pleasing to you.

He Gave Me Everything I need

Scripture: 2 Peter 1:3 His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

Observation: I have everything I need, now all I have to do is use it for God’s glory. It is so hard to believe that God called me, he choose me to fulfill a purpose and he has given me everything I need to fulfill that purpose.

Application: I need to increase my knowledge of God so I may be better guided in living the life he choose for me. I need to stop depending on my power and tap in to the divine power of God to fulfill his purpose in my life. He has given me everything I need to live this life the way he wants it lived and that is my desire.

Prayer: Dear Lord speak to me that I may hear you today. The business of my mind prevents me from hearing you calm me and shout if you must that I may hear you. Have me fulfill the purpose you have created me for. I freely give you this life, use it in glory and honor to you.

Cast All My Anxieties

Scripture: 1 Peter 5: [7] Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Observation: God doesn’t tell us to cast some of our anxiety on him but all. That includes the things we think we can handle, but normally can’t to give them to God. The reason being is that he cares for us. He loves us so much that he doesn’t want us to be stressed out but to be able to enjoy him.

Application: Stop worrying so much and cast my anxiety to God who loves me. I can’t live this life the way God intended me to if all I do is worry about what is going to happen all the time. I need to live with a clear mind free from fear as God has intended.

Prayer: Dear Father I cast my worries to you because you are the only one who loves me enough to take them on. Show me how to love you back in the way you deserve me to love you. May you be pleased with your servant as I finish this race.

Using My Gift

Scripture: 1 Peter4: [10] Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.

Observation: Am I using all that God has given me to serve others in his name or do I sometimes do things to be recognized myself? The gifts and talents I possess come to me only from God are to be used for God’s purpose not mine. When I do something for someone they should see God’s grace not mine.

Application: Make sure everything that I do glorifies God. That I go out of my way and not only when it’s convenient for me to use the gifts God has given me. When I do something for someone make sure God gets the glory and draw people nearer to Him not me.

Prayer: Dear Father I thank you for all you give me. I deserve nothing, yet you bless me each day. You have given me gifts, show me how to share them with your children and may I always give you the glory and praise.

Not Repaying Evil for Evil

Scripture: 1 Peter 3: [9] Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.

Observation: I received an email from Bob at Rock of Faith it appears he is upset because I talked to Pastor Mike about a Thanksgiving Dinner. All night long I’ve been thinking of something cleaver to say to strike back. Here is a man who is trying to take care of the homeless and instead of supporting him I’m trying to seek some type of revenge. I’ve spent so much time rehearsing what I might say, instead of using that time to pray for him and the event. What a waste of time and energy.

Application: I’m here to be a blessing not a burden, as I have been most of my life. I need to reach beyond my own personal feelings and seek God’s strength and wisdom on how to serve others in his name.

Prayer: Dear Lord soften this servant’s heart and open my eyes to see what you desire me to see. Take this self-centeredness away from me and may I focus on the reason you created me. May I glorify your name in all that I do.