Category: Daily Devotional

Satan is No Excuse

Scripture 1 Chron 21:1 Now Satan stood up against Israel, and moved David to number Israel.

Observation: Throughout the Bible Satan is trying to get God’s people to sin and is very effective except for Jesus. Satan over and over again tried to tempt Jesus with no success. So to say that Satan is tempting me is no excuse as it was for David. David had to still pay the penalty for his sin. We always have a way out from Satan’s temptations is that is to go to God in prayer and to have Him fight for us. Joab tried to talk David out of counting the people because he knew it was a sin against God and I believe God might have put Joab in David’s path to prevent David from doing just that. Satan is always on the prowl like a lion waiting to see who devour next, do not take this lightly it will draw you away from God and His will for our life.

Application: Realize that each day Satan and his demons are trying to draw me away from God and His purpose for my life. That this life is a fight and I can’t win on my own that only my Lord can defeat this enemy and to be aware of his schemes. I can’t give in to my temptations because I believe these temptations are coming from the enemy and there will be a price to pay if I do give in. If I’m going to glorify God I must listen and obey Him only. I must have only one Master.

Prayer: My Lord you are my Master and my God and you alone rule me life. Help me Lord for I am weak and can’t fight Satan on my own strength. I need you always to be victorious in this life, the enemy is too strong for me and I want to bring glory to your name. You deserve the best I can give, please take all distractions away.

Death to Those Who Defile God’s People

Scripture 1 Chron 20:7 So when he defied Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimea, David’s brother, killed him.

Observation: Israel were God’s children and walked in His way at that time. God protected Israel and David a man after God’s own heart. God proved over and over that He would protect them as He continued to give them victory over their enemy no matter what the odds where. God continues to give His children victories even against greater odds God is faithful to deliver us out of the hands of our enemies. Today our great enemy is Satan and our Lord will protect us from his fiery darts if we stay close to Him. We are under His protection as long as we follow Him into battle, but if we stray and not listen to our commander we will find ourselves in danger of attack.

Application: God wants to protect me but I need to stay under His command. He also wants to strengthen me for battle so I will endure testing from time to time, but I will never be alone. As soon as I stray from my Lord’s protection I must run to Him and ask what His commands are for my life. I need to stay close always as I read His word daily, get close to Him in prayer and follow His guidance each day in my life.

Prayer: My Lord you are my Master, Lord and my Commander. Command this worthless soldier and take me into battle with you. Give me the strength and courage to be victorious for you. May I not shy away from battle but listen to your commands and rule this servant of yours that I may bring you honor and glory each day. I love you my Lord may others see that in the way I live.

What’s Good in the Lord’s Sight

Scripture 1 Chron 19:13 Be of good courage, and let us be strong for our people and for the cities of our God. And may the LORD do what is good in His sight.”

Observation: We always have a preconceived way of things turning out. We’ll pray for a specific result and when we don’t get that result we think that God is not answering our prayer. We forget that no is an answer and that God has a plan for our life. When something doesn’t go according to our plan we need to seek God to see what His plan might be. We want things to go the way God wants them and not us. God is working things out for our good no matter how we might feel at any particular time.

Application: I need to always pray that God will direct me and not for God to do as I want. I’m here as my Lord’s servant not the other way around and I need to be open to what He desires. I need to stay in prayer and in God’s word doing what He calls me to do and be aware of how He is directing my path each day.

Prayer: My Lord may the way I live this life be good in your sight. I want to follow each one of your commands and stay in your will. Help me please do exactly that and that a day doesn’t go by that I don’t bring a smile to your face. I love you and you deserve my very best.

The Lord is Our Protector

Scripture 1 Chron 18:13 He also put garrisons in Edom, and all the Edomites became David’s servants. And the LORD preserved David wherever he went.

Observation: We think sometimes that we do it all alone. That we can accomplish things apart from God, but God is the one that preserves us. It’s by the will and mercy of God that we are even still here and when we have a triumphs in this life, God should be getting all the glory, not us. God has chosen a path for us and on this path He is leading us taking obstacles out of our way and when we encounter one He is with us to fight alongside us. Once we realize that anything good that might happen in a course of the day was only because of God’s grace, we will thank him more often throughout the day.

Application: When something happens to me I need to seek God for wisdom and guidance knowing that He knows best. I’m still here only because of God’s grace and I need to thank Him for that alone each day. Everything that goes well is only because of my Lord’s protection and I need not be scared as long as I’m on the path the Lord has set me on. I need to be confident knowing that my Lord has a plan for my life and will complete it if I don’t go astray.

Prayer: Dear Lord I am yours. Take charge my Lord and direct your servant in what you desire me to do. Give me the courage to walk boldly on the path you have set me on and take any laziness away, but give me the strength and discipline to follow through on all you want me to do. I love you Lord and you deserve the best I have to offer.

Who Am I?

Scripture 1 Chron 17:16 Then King David went in and sat before the LORD; and he said: “Who am I, O LORD God? And what is my house, that You have brought me this far?

Observation: I’ve asked myself this same question, who am I that I’m still here. I’ve tried to end my life six times and there were other times in my life that I thought I was dead, but I’m still here. God has blessed me so many times and not once have I deserved His mercy or grace. So who am I that I’m so favored by God? I guess I’m the same as everyone else, one of His children whom He loves. I know He loves me but day by day more of His plan is revealed in my life and I guess I’ll just have to wait to see the outcome.

Application: He has a plan for me and it’s time I get busy fulfilling my end of this plan. Each day I need to be in my Lord’s will and stay in prayer and study the Bible. So many things have already happened that God has ordained and I need to be patient to see each day what God has in store for me.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for loving me and guiding me each day. Please take away anything that is not of you and get me busy being the man you desire me to be. I thank you for all of the times you have saved me, all your provision, the wonderful people you placed in my life, gifts, talents abilities that I have and I thank you for loving me so much you blessed me with Teri, my wife. I love you Lord guide me today and each day.

Make Known God’s Deeds

Scripture 1 Chron 16:8 Oh, give thanks to the LORD! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples!

Observation: I feel the best way to tell others about God is to tell them what He has done in your life. My depression testimony is exactly that, a miracle God has worked in my life that I need to be sharing with others to help them understand the love of God. Each day I give thanks for all that He has blessed me with and each day I call upon His name for guidance and others should see that in my life. When you tell others how God has worked in your life it shows them that our God is not a distant God, but a loving and caring God that is always there.

Application: I need to keep praying for my Lord’s guidance on how He desires me to use this testimony that He has blessed me with. I need to always have a thankful heart no matter what is happening in my life and to be an example to others of the light I have for my Savior. I need to share the blessings God has given me with others and tell them that God wants to do the same for them.

Prayer: My Lord please open a way for me to use this testimony and my love for you to open the eyes of others. I want to be a good witness of your mighty love, please give me strength and courage to share all that you have done for me in glory and honor to your name.

Consult God First

Scripture 1 Chron 15:13 For because you did not do it the first time, the LORD our God broke out against us, because we did not consult Him about the proper order.”

Observation: The first time the ark was going to be brought into Jerusalem they didn’t consult God or follow the directions in the Bible and Uzzi died because of it. God gives us direction on how to live our life so that it will benefit us and glorify Him. They’re not even difficult direction and for the most part common sense, since God gave us knowledge to follow His decrees. We need to stop doing things the way we want to do them and follow God’s direction. If we are doing things against God’s will there is a good bet Satan is guiding us and not our Lord.

Application: Before making any decisions or speaking at times I need to take a moment and go in prayer and search my heart to make sure it is in line with God’s will. I need to have patience and not react so quickly. I always want to do what I want, which has proven to be the wrong direction most of the time. I’m a selfish man and make selfish decisions which doesn’t benefit anyone, including myself in the long run.

Prayer: My Lord I ask for knowledge and wisdom to make the right decision and to put you and others first in all that I do. You know me and know that I’m not capable of doing things right on my own, so please take charge and direct me on the path you desire of me. I love and trust you with this life, use it for your glory and not mine.