Category: Daily Devotional

Why Do We Blame God?

Scripture: Genesis 42[28] “My silver has been returned,” he said to his brothers. “Here it is in my sack.”
Their hearts sank and they turned to each other trembling and said, “What is this that God has done to us?”

Observation: It’s so easy to blame God for our own mistakes. Here the brothers have sold their own brother into slavery and lied to their father about it and instead of asking God what should they do or learn they blame Him for their misfortune. I know that happens to me, when something bad happens to me I blame God instead of praising Him. The apostle Paul had it right when he said in all things praise God and give Him glory.

Application: No matter what happens whether it is good or bad I need to be praising God and asking for his direction. If something bad happens to me I need to ask God what is He trying to tell me or what can I learn to draw nearer to Him. This whole life is a test on how much can we be trusted with in God’s kingdom and you can’t learn much if you are going to blame others for your mistakes.

Prayer: My Lord I thank you for all that happens whether good or bad. May my eyes be open to what it is you want me to learn and grow and mature me in my faith. May I trust in you with all of my heart and give myself wholly to you.

Only God Can Do It

Scripture: Genesis 41:16 “I cannot do it,” Joseph replied to Pharaoh, “but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.”

Observation: That should be my first response in my heart when someone asks me to do something, that I can’t do it, but God can do it through me. I have a problem with pride and a day doesn’t go by without me thinking more of myself than I should. I’ll put myself above others and feel I deserve more than they do. I’ll look back on my work experience and feel how the work I do now is beneath me. Yet there is nothing I can do without God and I give Him so little of the credit.

Application: Not only do I need to realize God’s power in my life, I also need to express that to others like Joseph did. If I do anything noteworthy I should be glorifying God to others. He alone deserves the praise and glory and by doing so I may draw others to Him. This life was created for me to glorify God. I’m here for a purpose and that purpose is to serve.

Prayer: My Lord and Master it is your creation and I want to thank you for all you have given me. Help me use it to serve others in a way that pleases you. Use me as an instrument to introduce others to You. Thank you for all that I have and am, it’s only by your mercy I get up each morning.

Everything Belongs to God

Scripture: Genesis 40:8 “We both had dreams,” they answered, “but there is no one to interpret them.”
Then Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.”

Observation: Joseph is one of my favorite men in the Bible. No matter what, he gave God the credit He deserves and recognized God owns it all. We get so involved in ourselves we actually think we can do things apart from God. We forget that God has given us the health, talents, wisdom and desire to do whatever it is we do. The word says apart from God we can’t do anything, so God owns it all and that includes us.

Application: I need to rid myself of the pride I have and humble myself before man and God. I, like Joseph, need to remind others that it all belongs to God. I’m here to serve and God has allowed me to borrow His things to do it. As soon as I get caught up in myself and start taking credit, I need to stop and give glory to God.

Prayer: Dear Father thank you for all you have entrusted me with and continue to remind me that I can’t do anything apart from you, but that I can do all things through Jesus. May I use all you have given me for your glory.

The Lord is With Us

Scripture: Genesis 39: [21] the LORD was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden.

Observation: Joseph honored God in all he said and did. God is with us also and He will reward us when we follow Him and do His will, and since he is with us He knows all we say, do and think. I know at times I would be embarrassed if I saw God with me during some of the times I don’t honor Him or when I say something that hurts others. God has blessed me so much more than I could ever deserve and no matter what is happening in my life I know He is there.

Application: I need to live each moment knowing God is with me. Think before I speak, would God be happy with what I am about to say or do? I know what God desires of me, unfortunately I seem to have my own agenda on how I want to live my life. God wants to bless me, but I need to be doing His will for Him to do it. I wouldn’t reward my child if he did something I told him not to do.

Prayer: My Lord I know you are with me and you watch over me each day. I need your help to remind me each moment so I don’t fall into doing something sinful. I am a sinner and I need you desperately to help me live a life that would please you. I love you and want to give you my best.

What’s In For Me?

Scripture: Genesis 38: [9] But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother.

Observation: We seem to do very little unless there is a benefit to us. I know so many of the things that I do is to benefit me even though it may seem I’m doing it for someone else. Even if my main purpose is to bless someone else with what God has given me I will still look to see if there is any benefit to me. It is hard for us to give totally without any consideration for ourselves and even when we do we do it with the same excitement that we do things that benefit us?

Application: I need to realize when I give without expecting anything in return I’m doing what God calls me to do. God gives freely and unconditionally to everyone. Anything that I might give to someone else isn’t mine anyway, but given to me by my Lord. There is nothing I have that is truly mine except maybe my faith and even that is a gift from God. When I give, I’m giving back to God and He deserves it all.

Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for your generosity and I ask you to give me the same heart. To give and to do unconditionally to glorify you. Give me the heart of your Son and show me how to give of myself totally in glory and honor to you.

Jealousy Can Devour Us

Scripture: Genesis 37: [4] When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than any of them, they hated him and could not speak a kind word to him.

Observation: I remember growing up how I was jealous of all those other children had more talent, more things, were liked more by others and I felt they were better than me. It seemed the more they had the less I had and unlike Joseph’s brothers instead of hating them I hated me. The more I saw what others had it seemed I had less and hated my life. Jealousy took over my life because there was always someone that had something I didn’t and I never realized I had things and abilities that they didn’t have. I wish I could say that I out grew that, but in reality it got worse has I got older consuming my life and making me feel useless and without value.

Application: When Jesus came into my life He showed me my worth and that I wasn’t to compare myself with others since we are all different. Instead of hoarding my talents that I did have that I was to share all that I had, since it wasn’t really mine in the first place and that it all belonged to my Lord. Each day I need to wake up and ask my Lord who He wants me to give to and be a good steward of the things He has entrusted me with. I have nothing to be jealous of God has taken care of all of my needs and has blessed me with a life that can honor Him. Who could want anything more?

Prayer: My Lord I thank you for all you have blessed me with. I’m truly rich with your blessings. I thank you for a wonderful wife, my health, the way you have met all of my needs and so many desires. May I not ever flaunt what you have given me but share with other, especially the precious time I have to glorify your name.

What Will I Be Known For?

Scripture: Genesis 36::24 The sons of Zibeon:
Aiah and Anah. This is the Anah who discovered the hot springs in the desert while he was grazing the donkeys of his father Zibeon.

Observation: So much of the old testament is genealogies and it just states so and so begot so and so. Only a name states that they existed at all in the Bible. Out of this chapter only Anah was recognized as doing anything at all and that was finding a hot spring. We are only here for a short while and leave this earth with little or no impact at all. Even after a while family will forget, I have no idea who my great, great grandfather or mother was. Only a few become famous and their names are written in history books marking their accomplishments.

Application: I want to leave my mark for God. I want to make a difference in someone’s life that will last for eternity. If I can introduce one person to my Lord and savior and they receive His gift of eternal life, now that’s an accomplishment. My name doesn’t need to be in history books I just want it written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. May I be obedient and draw others near my Lord.

Prayer: My Lord I possess nothing that you haven’t given me and you have given me a command to spread the gospel. Take any laziness and fear from my spirit that I will step out and speak boldly of my love for you. Help me use the testimony you have blessed me with to show others your love. May I serve you with all of my heart.