Daily Devotional

The Lord is With Us

Scripture: Genesis 39: [21] the LORD was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden.

Observation: Joseph honored God in all he said and did. God is with us also and He will reward us when we follow Him and do His will, and since he is with us He knows all we say, do and think. I know at times I would be embarrassed if I saw God with me during some of the times I don’t honor Him or when I say something that hurts others. God has blessed me so much more than I could ever deserve and no matter what is happening in my life I know He is there.

Application: I need to live each moment knowing God is with me. Think before I speak, would God be happy with what I am about to say or do? I know what God desires of me, unfortunately I seem to have my own agenda on how I want to live my life. God wants to bless me, but I need to be doing His will for Him to do it. I wouldn’t reward my child if he did something I told him not to do.

Prayer: My Lord I know you are with me and you watch over me each day. I need your help to remind me each moment so I don’t fall into doing something sinful. I am a sinner and I need you desperately to help me live a life that would please you. I love you and want to give you my best.

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