Daily Devotional

Taking Up the Cross

Scripture: Matthew 16: 24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

Observation: It is so hard to deny myself since I spend so much time thinking of what I want and my needs. That might be my cross. My focus is what I want in this world and not what God wants of me. I need to let go of this world and open my eyes to what my Lord wants of me.

Application: I need to stop focusing on me and forget what I want and start focusing on Jesus. It doesn’t need to be long range, but each day to follow Christ. My cross is self-centerness and I need to carry that to Christ.

Prayer: My Lord show me how to live this day. Your burden is light and I know you are there with me. Show me how to live in victory today.

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