What Comes From the Heart
Scripture: Matthew 15: [18] But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man `unclean.’
Observation: That is me if I’m feeling something I would just blurt it out without taking in consideration the other person’s feeling or how I might be dishonoring God in the words I say.. No sense saying I didn’t mean it because I most obviously was and the damage has been done. The damage has been done and what I said determines who I am to that person.
Application: I need to think and pray before I say anything, always checking my heart for what would honor God. Fill my heart with love for others as God has for me. If my heart is full of love all that will come out of my mouth will be encouraging, loving and caring words.
Prayer: Dear Lord I’m a sinner and I thank you for your love and grace in my life. Show me how to extend your love to others with the words I use and the manner I use them. Fill my heart with your love so it may overflow to others.