Daily Devotional

The Man Who Waters

Scripture: I Corinthians 3:8 The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor.

Observation: God has given me a specific purpose in life to spread the gospel and bring others to him. He also has a special way for me to do it, whether to plant the seed or to water along the way. It doesn’t matter what position I am but that I’m obedient doing my part.

Application: Continue to be in prayer and be observant to what God is calling me to do. I need to make my place in God’s plan the most important thing I do and do it in a way that pleases God. I need to take every opportunity to fulfill my purpose for my Lord and do it in a way that glorifies him.

Prayer: Dear Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit and show me the part you want me to play this day. May I be obedient in all that you ask and may your love grow with the task you set before me.

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