Going into Strict Training
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9[25] Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.
Observation: Today I’m going to church for my first internship class, strict training. I want to fulfill my purpose I read and pray each day and read another Christian Book, I volunteer some of my time to outreaches from the church and attempt to witness these are my training grounds.
Application: I need to train harder. I need to train as if I was going into the Olympics and not a senior softball team. I need to do more than give some of my spare time, but make it a priority instead of time left over in a day. I need to start jogging instead of walking and work my way into a sprint for spreading the gospel
Prayer: Dear Lord be my trainer. Show me how to train and help me accomplish the goal you set before me. I can’t do it myself I am weak but in you I am strong and can do all things. May I finish the race well and win the prize