Daily Devotional

Why Do We Curse Men

Scripture: James 3:9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness.

Observation: I have nothing good to say about my brother-in-law and at times hope for the worse for him. I can’t think thoughts or say words that are contrary to what God desires of me or my whole life is a lie. No matter what happens in this world, doesn’t matter it is just what I do for the new life that awaits me.

Application: I’m to honor and glorify God and live a life to resemble the life my savior lived on this earth. I need to think what kind of man I was and am at times and how Jesus has forgiven and loved me. I need to see everyone as a child of God created specifically for a purpose that he predestined them for.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me be a better man and increase my faith to see the things you desire of me. Give me patience to wait on you and patience to deal with others in a way that will please you.

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