Daily Devotional

Good and Faithful Servant

Scripture: Matthew 25:21 “His master replied, `Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

Observation: That is the desire of my life to hear those words from my Lord, but how faithful am I? What have I done with the finances the Lord has given me or the gifts, talents and time? How much of that has been given to God and how much have I kept? I don’t think I have been faithful enough to be entrusted with greater responsibilities or treasures.

Application: I need to invest the treasures God has given me back to him. I need to start multiplying what God has given me so when it is time to see my Master I may hear the words I want to hear, Well Done Good and Faithful Servant.

Prayer: Dear Father guide me on how to use the things that you have given me. Show me how to use my time and treasures in a way that will please you. Show me how to be that good and faithful servant.

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