Daily Devotional

Truly the Son of God

Scripture: Matthew 27;54 When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!”

Observation: Truly he is the Son of God. Do I see all that He has done and know my Lord as God. Do I look at the wonders of the world he created in amazement and proclaim his holy name. He is God, but is he God of my life? Does he rule my thoughts and actions and am I living in servanthood to him.

Application: I need to proclaim the wonders of Jesus and like the centurion proclaim out loud He is the Son of God to those around me. Live the life he calls me to live and allow him to fulfill the purpose he has created me for.

Prayer: My Lord and my God I bow down before you giving this life as a sacrifice to you. Please pick it up and mold it into something useful to you. I love you Lord show me how to live this life the way you designed it to be lived.

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