Month: February 2021

I Can’t Throw the Stone

Scripture: John 8:[7] When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”

Observation: I throw the stone too often yet I have no right. I judge people unfairly, judge church practices and criticize government. even though I am a sinner. It seems I throw stones each day and yet I’m the one who the stones should be thrown at.

Application: I need a softer heart and a more caring nature towards others. I need to think before I act and consider all the God has done for me. I have no right to throw stones.

Prayer: Dear Lord forgive me for anything I do that causes you disappointment. Help me see people through your eyes and make me a more caring and considerate person.

Making Right Judgments

Scripture: John 7:[24] Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment.”

Observation: I make so many judgments against others just by appearance. I judge how they look, dress and act and draw my own conclusions on who they are. I decide whether people are attractive, intelligent and spiritual just by looking at them.

Application: I need to stop making judgments’ at all and get to know people as a child of God. I need to help others instead of being standoffish and not caring. I need to make right choices and use my heart and not my eyes as I look at others.

Prayer: Dear Lord you saw my heart through all the evil in me and you still loved me. May I have your heart as I look at others and see them as you have created them with love. May I honor you in the way I think and act towards others today.

Doing the Works God Requires

Scripture: John 6: 28 Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”

Observation: That should be my question each day, “What must I do.” I was created for a purpose and that purpose is to serve God. He has works that he wants done by me and I need to get busy doing them.

Application: I need to avoid the distractions of this life and focus on what God wants me to do. To complete the tasks God has set before me is my goal in this life and to please him is why I was created.

Prayer: Dear Father guide your servant in doing the works you desire of me. May I complete my tasks before I come home to you. Guide me this day to do the works you set before me.

Accepting God’s Praise

Scripture: John 5:[44] How can you believe if you accept praise from one another, yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God?

Observation: I didn’t only accept but did everything I could to get praise from men. Whatever it took to make myself look better to others is what I did without thinking of God. I would be somebody else if that is what it took to be accepted by others whether I hurt God or not.

Application: To live a life honoring God and to be a man God could praise. If a live this kind of life men will want to praise me but I need to direct that praise to my Father who deserves all the glory and honor.

Prayer: Dear Lord teach me how to live a life worthy of your praise. Humble your servant so that I may see the life you desire for me and may I never strive to accept the praise from men, but only from you.

The Strength of our Testimony

Scripture: John 4:39 Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.”

Observation: One of the gifts God gives us is our testimony to help others see the love of God. We are to use that gift telling others how God has changed our lives and our beliefs on eternal life and the love of our Savior.

Application: To take the opportunities to tell my testimony to others and explain how God healed me of my depression. This is my purpose in life to bring others to Christ and the tool I have to use is my testimony with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Dear Father I thank you for everything that has happened in my life whether good or bad because it brought me to you. Use this testimony to draw others to you and comfort them as you have comforted me and open their eyes to your Son.

He Must Be Greater

Scripture: John 3:[30] He must become greater; I must become less.

Observation: Jesus must first become greater in my life than I am. That greatness must be obvious to others so that they may see Jesus in my life, my light must shine. I have one job in this world and that is to introduce others to Jesus and I can only do that if He is great in my life.

Application: Whenever I begin to think of myself as being something more than I am I need to stop and look to Jesus for direction. I should be humble and if anything good is done in my life I need to point to Jesus and give Him the credit that is due Him.

Prayer: Dear Lord humble this servant and take charge of this life that you have given me and use it as you desire. You are so worthy may I show my love for you throughout the day and glorify you.

Saving the Best for Now

Scripture: John 2:[10] and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”

Observation: My life was so empty before I received Jesus as my Lord and savior. My life seems to get better as I get older and grow closer to God. Jesus saved the best till last and I pray it even gets better. God has enriched my life and as given me purpose as my eyes continue to open up to his desires.

Application: To continue to follow my Lord and Savior and draw nearer to him. To make this life the best it can by being who God calls me to be. Read each day, pray, write and serve so I don’t miss anything God has in store for me.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for saving the best for last. I’m excited to see what is yet to come. Show me how to be obedient of your commands that I may enjoy all you have in store for me.