Daily Devotional

The Forgiveness of Stephen

Scripture: Acts 7:[60] Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep.

Observation: I need that kind of forgiveness towards others. I see how people are treating me and want to retaliate against them, instead of forgiving them as Christ forgave me. Stephen had the heart of Christ and that is what I want.

Application: To look at others as Jesus saw them with a loving, caring and forgiving heart. To stop trying to be better than others and finding fault, but loving them no matter how they treat me.

Prayer: Dear Lord soften my heart so I may look at others the way you do. Give me a calmer spirit so I don’t react in haste but in love. Make me a man that would honor you with my love towards others.

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