Daily Devotional

To Finish the Race

Scripture: Acts 20:[24] However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me–the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.

Observation: So many times my mind is not focused on the race and I continue to fall behind. God has given me a purpose a reason for my existence and that is to bring others to Him. Most of the time I’m not doing what I was created for. God has given me the gifts, talents and time to run this race and I need to stop walking and start running.

Application: I need to be bold and give my life to fulfilling the purpose God has created me for. Look for opportunities to share my love for my God. Get running and have my eyes fixed on the finish line and run as fast as I can.

Prayer: Dear Lord give me the strength to run this race in glory and honor to you. May I finish well and see you smiling at the finish line with your arms outreached to me. I love you Father, may I share that love with others.

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