Month: March 2021

A Memorial Offering Before God

Scripture: Acts 10:4 Cornelius stared at him in fear. “What is it, Lord?” he asked.
The angel answered, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God.

Observation: How wonderful it would be that my obedience to God could be brought up as a memorial offering to Him. Yet I stop and think what would that offering be? I can think of very little that might be considered and offering pleasing to my Lord. Only a few things come to mind that might be considered worthy of an offering, not enough for an angel to proclaim.

Application: Start living a life that is an offering to God. Produce fruit that is worthy as an offering and that it would please my God. May I serve the poor and others that it could be recognized as an offering.

Prayer: Dear Father you have given me so much and protected me. Show me how to give and not only receive from you. Make my life an offering to you, may it be a pleasant aroma and pleasing in your sight.

Always Doing Good

Scripture: Acts 9:36 In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (which, when translated, is Dorcas), who was always doing good and helping the poor.

Observation: I wish people could say that about me that I was always doing good. To be a person who stands out to others as being special by doing good and helping, to be a person that is known by putting others first. God must have been so proud of her.

Application: To strive to help others by doing good and helping. To use the gifts God has given me to make God proud of me. To help those less fortunate than me in whatever way I can. To ask for the strength and unselfishness I will need to accomplish such a task.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me be the man that would make you proud of me. Give me the courage that I may focus on the needs of others above my own. May I fulfill the purpose you have given me.

The Spirit of the Lord

Scripture: Acts 8: [29] The Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.”

Observation: The spirit directs my life and speaks to me, but do I listen? The spirit will tell me what I should do but doesn’t force me to do it He allows me to choose. He also doesn’t shout out His direction but is soft spoken and I need to be quiet and listen if I want to hear. He has the answer to why I am here and He can guide me if I let him.

Application: Continue to be in prayer and ask for guidance. Be silent and listen and obey the commands of the Spirit.

Prayer: Dear Father guide me with your Spirit and show me what it is you desire of me. Show me how to be obedient to you and may I complete the reason why I’m here in glory and honor to you.

The Forgiveness of Stephen

Scripture: Acts 7:[60] Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep.

Observation: I need that kind of forgiveness towards others. I see how people are treating me and want to retaliate against them, instead of forgiving them as Christ forgave me. Stephen had the heart of Christ and that is what I want.

Application: To look at others as Jesus saw them with a loving, caring and forgiving heart. To stop trying to be better than others and finding fault, but loving them no matter how they treat me.

Prayer: Dear Lord soften my heart so I may look at others the way you do. Give me a calmer spirit so I don’t react in haste but in love. Make me a man that would honor you with my love towards others.

A Man Full of Faith

Scripture: Acts 6:5 This proposal pleased the whole group. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism.

Observation: Wow would I like to be called a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes I don’t appear to be a Christian at all by the way I spend my time, my anxiety and impatience. For people to see someone as full of faith, what kind of man was he?

Application: To strive to be that kind of man. To trust in God and ask Him to increase my faith and to fill me with the Holy Spirit. To be in His Word and study, to be ready to serve and use my life as an instrument to serve my Lord.

Prayer: Dear Father increase my faith and open my eyes to what it is you desire me to do. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and use me and teach me how to live my life. May I accomplish all that you have set out for me to do in glory and honor to your name.

Never Stop Spreading the Word

Scripture: Acts 5:[42] Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ.

Observation: That is was God has called all believers to do, proclaim the good news of Jesus and eternal life with Him and the Father. So how am I doing as a believer? The apostle went each day, not just when they felt like it. They dedicated their life honoring God in His command. Compared to the apostle I do nothing.

Application: I need to proclaim His name each day and spread the word of salvation. God calls me to live a life honoring Him. Let people see the love of God in my life and may my love for God shine through to others.

Prayer: Dear God guide me today and put the words in my mouth to bring others nearer to you. May I increase your talents Lord that I may be pleasing to you and hear those words, “well done good and faithful servant.”

Speaking God’s Word Boldly

Scripture: Acts 4:31 After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

Observation: To speak the Word of God boldly can only be done with the power of the Holy Spirit. I need the help of the Holy Spirit to live my life as it was designed to be lived by God. I need the holy Sprit’s guidance, strength and courage to live a life honoring to God.

Application: To continue to pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit to guide me through this life. To put me in situations that will honor God and have faith that the Holy Spirit will work through me to fulfill His purpose.

Prayer: Dear Father fill me with the Holy Spirit and Baptize me with Him so that I may speak boldly for you and fulfill the purpose you have created me for.