Month: May 2021

Taking the Opportunity

Scripture: Galatians 6 [10] Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

Observation: This morning I was walking and a gentleman asked me to help someone who fell and couldn’t get up. I went inside and helped get him up on his walker and left. When I left I felt the Holy Spirit and I thanked God for the opportunity and health to be able to help. So why don’t I search out more opportunities to help others instead of avoiding them?

Application: I know there are always opportunities to help others and I need to stop avoiding them and start searching them out. I’m here to serve as Jesus was and I need to get busy putting myself out there to help. Jesus told me to love others and I can’t accomplish that by sitting on my couch watching television.

Prayer: Dear Lord I give you this life please take it and use it for your glory. Help me finish this race the way You want me to finish and take this selfishness away.

Do I Belong to Christ?

Scripture: Galatians 5 [24] Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.

Observation: Sometimes I wonder if I belong. I still have some of my sinful desires and a day doesn’t pass without me falling into something sinful. I worry each day and fall into sinful thoughts and instead of loving others I think of negative things instead of looking for the good.

Application: I need to belong to Jesus and I need to live a life that proves it to others. I need to look at others with the love of Christ and turn to Him every time my mind wanders. Need to keep my pride in check by realizing everything that I have and am comes from God.

Prayer: Dear Lord hold me tight and open my eyes to the man you want me to be. I need to belong to you , my Lord, my God and my Master.

I Cry Out to You Father

Scripture: Galatians 4 [6] Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”

Observation: I must quench the Holy Spirit each day and because of this I don’t hear Him. I know He lives within me by what touches my heart, yet I don’t live in a way that glorifies God. When I step out in faith and do something for God’s glory I can feel the Holy Spirit, unfortunately it isn’t often enough.

Application: Realize I’m a son of the Almighty God and He wants the best for me. He wants to bless me, but I must do my part. Trust in Him and persevere to live a holy life unto Him.

Prayer: My Lord, my Father draw me closer to You. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and guide me through each day. I’m lost because I stray, help me stay on the path You have chosen for me.

Yes I’m Foolish

Scripture: Galatians 3 [3] Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?

Observation: God has blessed me so much and I try to repay Him, which I can’t with things that I do, but the one thing He asks is that I have faith in Him. The way I act each day shows my lack of faith. I’m trying to do it on my own while worrying about how things are going to come out. I start my day praying and tell God I’m giving it to Him, yet only a short time passes and I’m trying to run things on my own.

Application: I need to trust God on the plan He has for my life. Live only a day at a time asking the Holy Spirit for guidance, while depending on Him to get me through. I need to be obedient to my heavenly Father.

Prayer: Dear Lord show me how to live this life through You and that You will show me the steps I should take. Please increase my faith.

Living By Faith

Scripture: Galatians 2 [20] I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Observation: This is the life I want to live and should be living. Yet I live my life in worry, greed and laziness and not in faith. I know God’s love for me and I do want to please Him, but each day I start out in prayer with high hopes to honor God each day, but I always fall short.

Application: Stay with God all day long and don’t get distracted by this world. Stop worrying about things and especially myself. I need to humble myself and look out for the needs of others God puts in my path and get rid of these judgmental thoughts I have.

Prayer: Dear Lord please take charge and increase my faith. May I be focused on you all day long and not the things of this world. Draw me nearer to you and guide me through each day.

I Choose to be a Servant of Christ

Scripture: Galatians 1:10 Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Observation: I find myself spending too much time trying to please men. I want the praise and the approval of those put over me along with other people God puts in my past. I find myself wanting to be recognized instead of Jesus being glorified through me. As long as that is my mindset I can’t be a true servant of Christ.

Application: Live in a way that glorifies God. Love those he puts in my life, but let each one see Jesus through my words, thoughts and actions. Be a servant of Christ and listen for His commands and follow them completely.

Prayer: Dear Lord I freely give you this life as a living sacrifice, may it be Holy and pleasing to you. Humble your servant before you and guide me each day on the path you have chosen for me.

Testing Myself

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you–unless, of course, you fail the test?

Observation: I’m not sure how often I would pass the test of faith. I pray each morning telling God I want what He wants for my life and then go ahead and live as if I’m living for me. I still worry about the future and hang on to the past, not trusting God’s plan for my life.

Application: God has always watched over me and I have no reason not to trust Him. I need to pray all day long for His guidance in my life, asking which way to turn and treating His children with the love and respect God deserves from me.

Prayer: Dear Lord I believe, help me with my unbelief.