Daily Devotional

Helping Others Grow

Scripture: Hebrews 10: [24] And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.

Observation: In my walk I’ve had several people help me grow closer to God. I’ve had pastors help me realize visions God has given me, brothers and sisters in Christ who encouraged me to do more for God. I’ve always felt God uses other people to speak to me and guide me along the path He has chosen. I need to give to others so they may experience the joy I have received. In a couple of weeks we will be holding a Thanksgiving dinner at the Army and Navy Academy for military families, homeless or anyone that has no place else to go. This event will help those servants understand God’s will better for their life.

Application: I need to reach more people that God has surrounded me with. I need to encourage and help them fulfill the purpose God has created them for. I need to love them more so they may see I’m sincere in helping them.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me love more. I know you love me and that I have no doubt, but I’m still a sinner and full of anger at times, help me love all those you put in my path as you love me.

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