Daily Devotional

The World Led Astray

Scripture: Revelations 12: [9] The great dragon was hurled down–that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

Observation: The world is definitely being led astray. Each day seems we grow further from God and what He desires of us. Sin has become a lifestyle for so many, so many murders each day it’s hard to count, the lie of evolution confuses our children, sexual immorality becomes more perverse and to speak out in God’s name is becoming a crime in this world. There are so many cults to confuse people and lead people astray and the devil has done a good job leading this world astray with his lies.

Application: I will never be able to bring this world back from Satan’s grasp, but I may touch the lives of a person or two and tell them about the promise of God and what He intended for us. Maybe God can use me to lead a couple out of the darkness and into the light of Jesus and who knows maybe that those whose hearts were touched may touch the hearts of a few more.

Prayer: Dear Father you saved me for a purpose and I ask you to make that purpose clear to me so that I may do your will. Show me how to make a difference in this world that has gone astray from your love and word.

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