Daily Devotional

The Compassion of Jesus

Scripture: Matthew 20:34 Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.

Observation: I look back on my life and I can see Jesus’ compassion for me. I don’t understand why He loves me so much, but I know He does. Unlike the blind men I didn’t ask for anything but Jesus saw what I needed and reached down and helped me make my way. His compassion for me was long before I received Him as my Lord and Savior so I didn’t follow Him right away and even now I follow to far behind Him. He wants me to walk right alongside Him and yet my selfish ways get me ahead of what He desires for my life.

Application: I need to walk with my Lord each day and understand His plan for my life. I need to have His compassion for others that He places in my life and help show them His compassion for them.

Prayer: Oh my Lord, thank you for not giving up on this lowly servant of yours and I thank you for your compassion in my life. Show me now how to take the focus off of me so I may have compassion for those you put in my path.

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