Daily Devotional

Do I Practice What I Preach?

Scripture: Matthew 23: [3] So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.

Observation: I have counseled a few people and I tell them what the Holy Spirit puts on my heart about how God loves them and they need to trust God. I’ll recite Proverbs 3:5,6 and at that moment I feel I’ve given them great counsel, yet that is not the way I live my life. I want to trust God and He is certainly trustworthy, but my lack of faith seems to steer me in a different direction. If the people I talk to saw the way I was every day they would question my counsel.

Application: I know what to do and how to live this life trusting God. I need to walk the talk and stand firm on God’s promises. I want to get my depression ministry and class going and I can’t tell others how God has healed me if I’m not healed.

Prayer: My Lord help strengthen your servant. Show me how to live this life and help direct others on the path you have choose for them. Increase my faith and help me live this life the way you desire.

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