Daily Devotional

I Serve the One that Overcomes

Scripture: John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Observation: I spend so much more time focusing on my troubles then being with my Lord. I live my life with anxiety and stress when right in front of me my Lord offers me peace. Jesus tells me that He is with me and my time in this world is short, but I have all eternity to spend with Him. Yet each day my time is spent in worrying about things that are temporary, instead of doing the will of my Father.

Application: I need to spend more time with my Savior and listen to His guidance for this life. I’ve been reading so much lately about how I was created for a purpose with gifts and talents that are to be used for God’s glory and that is what I need to be doing each day. I need to enjoy the peace my Lord is offering me knowing I’m doing his will.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for the peace you offer me each day. Help me receive it in your precious name. When troubles come let me shout your name and allow you to guide me through these times and that I will tell others of your unbelievable great love for them.

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