Month: November 2021

My Lord is Compassionate

Scripture: John 11:33 When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.

Observation: I don’t understand why Jesus cares so much for us, especially the way we treat Him. Tomorrow will be Good Friday and we will remember the most loving act imaginable that God so loved us that He sent His son to suffer for us to take away our sins. I wonder how many times my lord was moved or troubled when He saw what I put myself through. His hand and heart must have gone out each time I tried to end this life He gave me.

Application: I need to draw nearer to God and tell Him how much I appreciate and love Him. This is not my life and never was I’m God’s creation and He owns me and I need to honor Him. I don’t want my Lord to be troubled over me anymore. I want Him to look down and be pleased with the man He created.

Prayer: My Lord I know that you love me you show me all the time. I freely give you this life and ask that you would use it in a way the glorifies you. May I not cause you anymore heartaches, but bring joy to you as you do me.

He Stole so Much From Me

Scripture: John 10: [10] The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Observation: I look back at the first 46 years of my life and it saddens me how I wasted it. The devil stole much from me and I allowed him to do it. I was selfish, self-centered, unloving not knowing what to do. I tried to destroy myself six different times, but God was always there, I don’t know what He saw that was worth savings, but I’m glad He did. What a different life it has been when I received Jesus as my Lord and savior. What a wonderful guide He is and patient.

Application: I need to draw nearer to my Lord so that I can experience the life that He has planned for me. He has given me life and purpose here on earth and also a new home for all eternity, because of His sacrifice for me. I want to enjoy this new life He has given me and make a difference in His name until it is time to go home.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for taking me out of Satin’s hands. You grabbed me before I was totally destroyed. Thank you for this new life that you have given me, may I use it in glory and honor to you.

I Was Blind

Scripture: John 9:25 He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”

Observation: Before Jesus entered my life I was blind and walking around aimlessly. I couldn’t see anything but myself. I didn’t see what God wanted for my life, I didn’t notice the people that surrounded me. I lived in the darkness and refused to see anything else. After Jesus opened my eyes I saw the people and their needs, I saw how God designed me to help, I saw a purpose for my life that I didn’t see before. I was able to see God in a world that I wanted to leave.

Application: Now that Jesus has opened my eyes I need to be on the lookout for what He desires of me. I need to listen to the small voice within me and allow it to guide me. I need to look beyond myself and see the life God wants me to live and not be so short sighted. I want to be able to see through God’s eyes.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for opening this blind man’s eyes and taking me by the hand and walking me down the path you have chosen for me. Please don’t let go and open my eyes to your wonders and the desires of your heart.

Thank You for Your Guiding Light

Scripture: John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Observation: Most of my life I’ve been in the dark and afraid. I wandered aimlessly not even knowing what I was searching for. It wasn’t until Jesus came into my life that I could see and begin to understand a little clearer in what direction I should have been going. It was as if a light went on, which it did and I get to walk the rest of this journey with His light to guide me.

Application: To walk in the light I need to be willing to see it. Jesus is always there, but I need to choose to see Him in every situation. I need to look for His light and the path He has chosen for me. I need to be looking in His direction each and every day. Without His light I could never finish this race of life that I am on.

Prayer: My Lord, thank you for lighting up my life. I need your guidance every day and I need your help in living this life in a way that would be honoring. Take my hand please Lord and show me the way to go.

I Judge Wrongly

Scripture: John 7: [24] Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment.”

Observation: I feel as if Jesus is saying that directly to me, because that is the way I judge. I look at people and have them summed up without even talking to them. When people talk to me most of the time instead of listening, I’m judging them. No one has a chance around me I seem to have an opinion for everyone I meet.

Application: I need to start looking at people through God’s eyes. If I just met me I know the evil I would think and how I would judge me and it’s not like God. God has had mercy on me and must have found something worthy to love and that is what I need to see in people. I need to start listening more to what people say and not what I think. If I’m going to judge then I need to be judged and I know how that would come out.

Prayer: My Lord forgive me for my shallow ways and selfish acts. Help me see others through your eyes and not mine. May I be a messenger of your love and not a judge of my pity ways. You are the only righteous judge may I leave judging to only you.

Approved By the Father

Scripture: John 6: [44] “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day.

Observation: I think of all the miracles that I took for granted that led me to Jesus. My Father must have been holding my hand to get me through a life I continued trying to end. He spoke to me when I didn’t know it was Him, guiding me on my most important journey, the journey to eternal life. I think of all the people He involved to get me saved and now it’s my turn to be used by my loving Father.

Application: I know God doesn’t need me to fulfill His purpose in this world, but He wants to use me to fulfill His will. What an honor it is to be able to be used by the Father. Instead of being useless I can be used for the most important mission ever, to help draw others to eternal life. I need to take this honor seriously and get busy listening and doing what my Father desires of me.

Prayer: Dear Father I am not worthy of this honor to be used by you, but please continue to speak to your servant and guide me each day in what you desire of me. I’m here to serve you and complete the task you set before me. Give me strength, courage and wisdom to honor you.

Who Am I Trying to Please?

Scripture: John 5: [44] How can you believe if you accept praise from one another, yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God?

Observation: All of my life I wanted to please someone whether it was my parents, friends employers or just the people around me. I wanted people to recognize me and praise me for the things I could do, but if there is anything that I can do that is praise worthy, I’m only able to do it because of my God. Anything at all that is good in me comes from my heavenly Father and I have no right to boast about anything, unless I boast about my Father.

Application: As soon as people see something in me that is praiseworthy I need to point to God. If I’m allowed to touch anyone’s life for the better God needs to get all the credit. I want God to see me as a man after His own heart, like David. God deserves all of my praise, obedience and glory.

Prayer: Dear father I thank you for all that I have and all that I am. I thank you for making me, me and I ask you to show me how to be the best that I can be. I’m here as your servant, show me how to serve.