Daily Devotional

I Owe Everything

Scripture: Romans 13: [7] Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

Observation: I owe everyone not because what they gave or did for me but what Jesus did. My debt holder is Christ yet He commands me to pay His children and by doing so I pay Him. It is a debt I will never be able to repay in full, but He deserves my best effort. He tells me to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and He tell me to love others as I love myself. He tells me to give, encourage and protect others and he doesn’t disqualify anyone.

Application: I need to make a better effort in paying my debt. Today I was rude to someone who asked for help on feeding the cadets at school. She asked if we could cook the food and make burritos after, I gave her a hard time then agreed begrudgingly and basically told her I would do it my way. I know that is not what Jesus wanted of me instead of paying back some of what I owe I added to my debt. I need to keep Jesus in my heart and mind at all times especially when I’m talking to His children.

Prayer: Dear Lord forgive me for the way I treat the people you surround me with at times. Take this arrogance away from me and humble me before you and show me How you want to live this live. I owe you more than I can repay, but may I live my life in a way that honors you.

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