Daily Devotional

Who Am I Pleasing?

Scripture: Romans 15:[2] Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.

Observation: Lately I’ve been sarcastic and mean to some people. I look down on them and treat them poorly. Some may just ask me a question and I give them a smart-alecky answer. I treat some as if I know it all especially when it comes to my work. I know I’ve made others either feel bad or get mad and it doesn’t seem to bother me very much. Instead of building others up I’ve been tearing them down.

Application: I need to treat others the way Jesus wants me to treat them with love and respect. I’m supposed to be setting a positive example and show others the love of Christ through me. I need to get over myself and what I want and be the man God calls me to be. I need to put others before me and treat them the way I want to be treated.

Prayer: Dear Lord soften my heart for your children. As I serve you may I serve your heirs as well. May my love for you reflect the way I love others. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and speak to me a guide me each day to do what is of you.

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