Daily Devotional

I’m An Immigrant

Scripture: Philippians 3: [20] But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,

Observation: I get so caught up in this world I forget I’m a foreigner just visiting for a while. I worry about so many things and I want to change things to match my ideals, yet I’ve been put here for a reason. I get so involved here that I hardly think of my real home that I haven’t seen yet, but know it better than this place. I forget the most beautiful thing I can see on this earth will not compare to the beauty that awaits me.

Application: I need to think of this has a business trip and my boss has given me an itinerary of things to get accomplished. I feel homesick, but I can’t go until I complete the job my Lord has given me. So I need to keep in contact with the main office and get direction each day. I was put here to be a salesman to tell others of a God that loves them so much that He wants to spend all eternity with them and describe their new home.

Prayer: Dear Lord I want to succeed in the tasks you put before me, but I need you to accomplish this. I humble myself before you and ask for wisdom to tell others about You. I love you and I ask you to show me how to show this love to others.

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