Daily Devotional

Doing What God Wants

Scripture: 1 Timothy 2 [4] who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.:

Observation: I really want to do what God desires and I do want to please Him. He has given me one command to spread the gospel, because He doesn’t want anyone to perish. So why am I not doing that? I went last Saturday to help clean the beach and to evangelize. I brought my books and only passed two out and that was to two Christians. Satan makes this more difficult playing with our minds. After all this is what God wants more than anything from us, so why wouldn’t His enemy try to prevent it from happening.

Application: Knowing it is Satan trying to stop me from doing God’s will I need to try even harder. I’m here to honor God and He will protect me, but He wants me to do this for His glory. I need to put forth a better effort in reaching the lost for Jesus and honoring the Father. Out of all my to do list each day this should be on the top and not an item if I have time.

Prayer: Dear Lord I’m weak and scared so much of the time. Give me courage and wisdom to speak to others so they would know you. You’ve given me a unique testimony and talents, may they be used to glorify you.

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