Month: March 2022

Fixing My Thoughts

Scripture: Hebrews 3:1 Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess.

Observation: I have many thoughts, in fact I can’t seem to control what I think about. My thoughts always seem to go to something negative or to hate and anger. If I don’t decide to fix my thoughts the enemy will help direct my thinking, but if I make a decision to fix my thoughts on Jesus and try to be more like Him each day then I can draw closer to Him.

Application: I have confessed that Jesus is my Lord and Savior and now I most live that confession by putting my whole trust in Him and be the man He calls me to be. I need to fix my thoughts on Jesus and when I catch myself drifting away I must stop and repent and fix my thoughts on my Lord and what He desires of me. I know this won’t be easy so I must make the best effort I can and not give up.

Prayer: My Lord and my King help me fix my mind on you. I’m so desperately lost and my mind is constantly wandering. Help me please Lord think thoughts of you and know what you desire. For I love and trust you Lord guide me each day speaking to me so I may know your will for your servant.

Help Me with Temptation Lord

Scripture: Hebrews 2: [18] Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

Observation: Each day I’m tempted, whether to look at something on the internet that I shouldn’t, say something unkind to get back at someone, to take something that’s not mine and sin in general. I’ve used the scripture away from me Satan as it is written worship the Lord your God only. But instead of turning to Jesus right away I get caught up in my mind with things I want to do and shouldn’t and the enemy has a ball at those times.

Application: Jesus wasn’t tempted because his eyes were fixed on the Father and his will for his life, just the way mine should be. There is nothing in this world I need more than God and doing his will. First I need to stay away from temptation, fix my eyes on what I should be doing for the Lord, ask Jesus for help and lead a Godly life in glory and honor to Him. Everything I do should be for God and not for me.

Prayer: Dear Jesus I need your help each day. My mind wanders and I seek out the things I want instead of what you want for me. I’m only here because you desire me to be. Help me stay on course and bear fruit before I come home.

I’m Called to Reflect the Son

Scripture: Hebrews 1: [3] The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.

Observation: I read how wonderful Jesus is and all He has done for me, yet I’m called to be like Him. How can that be? Jesus nature was loving, compassionate, a servant and a reflection of God’s love on this earth. So why can’t I do that? The Word says I can do all things through Jesus if I call on Him. Jesus is the greatest that ever was or will be, but I’m called to be like Him. I know I will never reach that mark, but I need to try each day.

Application: I’m here to reflect the love of God on this earth. I need always try to be like my Lord and call on Him to help me succeed. I need to think and pray before I do anything and ask for God’s direction in all of the circumstances I encounter.

Prayer: My Lord help me reflect your love to others. Give me the compassion I need and that I would be more concerned for others than myself. That my words and actions might draw others near to you and that I will reflect your light in this world to others.

Sharing Our Faith

Scripture: Philemon [6] I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.

Observation: I look back at the times I do share my faith and as I speak the Holy Spirit uses me and I get a better understanding of my faith. The Holy Spirit always brings to mind the things that the Lord has done for me that maybe I forgot or just don’t think of and my love and faith is renewed. When I’m not sharing and living my typical life my thoughts are of the world or worried about something and I don’t think of all the blessings that have been bestowed on me and I become useless to God and myself.

Application: Make more of each opportunity that is presented to me to share my faith and grow closer to God. Share with friends, co-workers and strangers the love of God and what He has done for me. Tell others the reason for my faith and the faithfulness of my Master. I have one purpose and that is to spread the gospel and bring others to the saving grace of Christ and I can do it sharing my story and my faith.

Prayer: Dear lord you have blessed me beyond measure and I thank you for your love. Guide me to live the rest of this life as a testimony of your love and grace. I need you Lord because left on my own I will slowly fall back to my lazy ways and become useless to you and to others. I love and trust you take charge of your servant.

Have I Trusted in God?

Scripture: Titus 3: [8] This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.

Observation: Why is trust so hard for me? I remember when God put Proverbs 3:5,6 on my heart to remind me to trust in Him for everything. I know I’ve come a long way but I haven’t come far enough, because if I did I would be devoted in doing good things. I do good things from time to time and it is my heart’s desire to do so, but I’m not devoted. It says to be careful to do good things which means I need to watch what I do at all times so I can be profitable to everyone.

Application: I need to watch what I do all of the time. I know I have had more negative thoughts today than positive ones and a lot of what I did was for me and not for good. I want people to see me as Jesus’ servant, doing good things, a person people can depend on for doing what is right.

Prayer: Dear lord help me do good things. Make me aware of what I am doing and guide me to do the things that please you. I’m here for a short time, may that time glorify you and help others.

How Eager Am I ?

Scripture: Titus 2: [14] who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.

Observation: My Lord gave of himself to save and purify me and He calls me His own. I should want to do anything that pleases my Lord and no matter what it costs me. I should be eager to do good for Jesus, but how eager am I. It seems my own needs and desires come before my Lord’s instead of my desires being His. I should want what He wants, it should be my nature, but it isn’t. I spent so much of my life trying to please others, why don’t I spend that time and more trying to please my Lord?

Application: Before I do anything I should ask myself if this is serving or pleasing to God. I am called to be a person of God and to be eager, not reluctant, but wanting to do things that are good and pleasing. Jesus saved me to be His and to serve others in a way to direct them to God the Father. This should be more than a duty but the thing that stimulates and excites me more than anything else.

Prayer: Dear Lord give me a heart for you. Open my eyes and stir my heart to desire to serve you and to draw others near. Give me a fire in my spirit that will please you and that I won’t make any more excuses in why I don’t serve.

Knowledge of Truth

Scripture: Titus 1:1 Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ for the faith of God’s elect and the knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness–

Observation: I was counseling someone yesterday and I asked him if he reads the bible each day and he told me no. He told me he wants to grow closer to God and to understand what God wants, but without reading God’s word how will he know? God gives us the knowledge of His truth in His word, but we must study it and understand it so we will be equipped to do what He tells us to do. We need it every day and as we understand God’s word it will lead to godliness.

Application: I can’t stop reading and studying God’s word or I will become useless to others God puts in my path. I need to know scripture and to be ready when someone asks to defend my faith and to help guide them to the saving grace of my Lord and Savior. I want godliness in my life, I want to be a man after God’s heart, but I need to first understand what that means.

Prayer: Dear Lord sow your word in my heart and in my mind. Help me understand your word and your desire for me and that before I come home I will glorify you by fulfilling the purpose you have created me for.