Daily Devotional

What Am I Imitating?

Scripture: 3 John 1:11 Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.

Observation: What would the people around me say to what I am imitating? Would they say I’m a good man or someone to stay away from? I want to imitate good, but my sinful ways get in the way and I look at what I want instead of what God wants of me.

Application: I need to make up my mind and each day do what is good. If people can’t see me as good and a child of God then my life is meaningless or worse a life that repels people away from my Lord. I need to do good for God and not self-recognition. I’m too busy trying to please myself I forget why I’m here as God’s servant.

Prayer: Dear Lord guide me to do good in your sight. May I be a light in this world that leads others to you. Keep these evil thoughts from me and give me a loving spirit and keep me on course. May I reflect the life of your Son that others may draw nearer to you.

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