Fighting Against the Dragon
Scripture: Revelations 12:7 And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.
Observation: This seems to be each day of my life fighting against Satan, my evil thoughts and sinful nature. What a battle it is just when I feel as if I’m going to honor God thoughts arise in my mind and selfish desires take hold and I’m off track again. It’s so comforting to know when Satan goes to battle with God that He losses and I won’t have to fight anymore.
Application: Until God destroys Satan once and for all I need to put on the full armor of God and polish my sword by reading and studying His word so that I will be prepared to battle each day of my life against the schemes of the devil., I also need to know I can’t defeat Satan without Jesus I am no match for my enemy and I need to leave the battle to God, but be prepared to do what God calls me to do.
Prayer: Dear Lord give me the strength, courage and skills to battle my enemy. That you will always be beside me and that I don’t take matters into my own hands but always seek you counsel on what you desire me to do.