Daily Devotional

My Lord of lords and King

Scripture: Revelations 17: [14] They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings–and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”

Observation: So many times I forget how powerful Jesus is because I think of Him with such a great love. Jesus is also the conqueror of Satan and all powerful and I belong to Him. When I think of Him as the lamb I think of a mild creature, not realizing the reason for the reference is that He was the atoning sacrifice for my salvation. How could a mild and gentle man take the punishment and torture He took for me. He conquered death and rose again to save the likes of a sinner like me.

Application: Jesus is God and all powerful and has my future in His hands. When I get afraid and overwhelmed I need to realize the strength my Lord and Savior has and He can defeat anything and that He loves me. I will never understand His love and sacrifice fully on this earth, but I need to trust it to live a life in glory and honor to Him.

Prayer: My Lord you sacrificed yourself for me and I don’t understand why, but Lord help me trust in you fully and understand how I might bear fruit in glory and honor to you. You are my Lord and King and I’m a lowly servant in your service. Command me to do your will in this life. I will honor and love you always.

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