Daily Devotional

Loving My Master

Scripture Exodus 21:5 “But if the servant declares, `I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,’

Observation: God has given us a choice we can either love Him or not. We can believe what He says or not. We can live with Him for all eternity or not. Our Master has set up rules for us to follow yet He leaves it up to us whether we will follow them or not. We honor Him when we are obedient, it shows Him that we love Him. His rules are for our own good and benefit. I will never leave my master, because I remember life without Him and that is no life at all.

Application: God is my loving Father, but He is also my master and creator. He loves me, and I don’t know why. He is always there for me and corrects me when I do wrong. I need to be in His word each day and be able to feel His presence. It would be easier if I could see Him like an earthly master, but this way it takes faith and faith is what I need to show my love, because without faith I can’t please God.

Prayer: My Lord and my Master. I never want to be set free from you. I need you each day more than air. I don’t ever want to be apart from you again, but serve you in a way that will please you. I love you Lord and what to be always close to you.

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