Daily Devotional

God Knows What He s Doing

Scripture Exodus 23: [29] But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you.

Observation: We always seem to what everything now and patience certainly is not one of my virtues. God loves us and knows what is best and usually the best isn’t getting what we want when we want it. In this scripture God is telling the Israelites that they will possess the land, but it’s going to take a while, and He tells them why, that they wouldn’t be able to care for the land and the wild animals would be to numerous for them to handle. He told them it was going to be longer than a year and a year to us is forever at times.

Application: I need to stop being so anxious about things and wait on God. I need to trust God and His timing in my life. When I look back everything that happened to me had to happen in the time it did or I wouldn’t be here now. Because of God’s timing I have a testimony to share, the most wonderful woman as my wife, a great home and so much more, because of God’s timing I have purpose and am enjoying the best part of my life.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for your patience and for always watching over me. Help me wait on you and know that everything happens in your timing and not mine. I thank you for all you have blessed me with and help me be faithful with all that you have given me.

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