Month: July 2022

Testing the Lord

Scripture Exodus 17: [7] And he called the place Massah and Meribah because the Israelites quarreled and because they tested the LORD saying, “Is the LORD among us or not?”

Observation: Jesus told us not to test the lord and yet how many times in our life will we? When things don’t go our way aren’t we quick to doubt that God cares or is even there. We test Him in our actions and the things we say, we test God in our disobedience and lack of bearing fruit. Most of our life is testing the One who doesn’t need to take test, but gives them. He is our teacher and master and we have no right to question Him let alone test Him. If we don’t believe God’s word, then we don’t believe God.

Application: I catch myself all the time testing God expecting a certain situation to turn in my favor and if it doesn’t I begin to doubt if God cares. I need to trust in Him with all of my heart and lean not on my own understanding but in all my ways acknowledge Him and He will make my paths straight. God has all the answers and does not need to be tested, especially by His creation. Remember who I am and give God the glory and respect He deserves.

Prayer: My Lord you know all and see all and I’m nothing but your servant. For some reason you love and care for me and that should be in the forefront of my being and I need to trust you with all that I am. Help me glorify you with this life you have blessed me with. I love you Lord may I live a life that proves that.

Selective Memory

Scripture Exodus 16: [3] The Israelites said to them, “If only we had died by the LORD’s hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death.”

Observation: When things are going our way we think back to the past and remember how wonderful it was, but was it? We think if we would have just done this or that things would be as they were. However we forget all the other things God has gotten us through, things we never want to experience anymore. The Devil loves getting our minds going in the past, distorting our memories and playing the “what if” game. You see as long as our mind is in the past we are of no good in the present. We’re not serving or loving our God we’re too busy wasting our time wondering what might have been instead of making now the best it can be.

Application: Most of my life was spent living in the past and regretting most of the things that I did. I had no time for the present because I never spent any time there. Now I am doing better focusing on the present and what I should be doing for my Lord and not for me. I realize I was created for God and not for myself so I try to live that way each moment. Even though each day I fall short I still persevere to do better to please my Master.

Prayer: My Lord I thank you for my life and how you got me through all the trials I went through. Lord please speak to me each day and show me how to live this life in a way that is pleasing to you. I belong to you use me as you will each moment of every day.

Are We Ready for the Test?

Scripture Exodus 15:25 Then Moses cried out to the LORD, and the LORD showed him a piece of wood. He threw it into the water, and the water became sweet.
There the LORD made a decree and a law for them, and there he tested them.

Observation: Each day is a test if we are going to follow God or our own desires. We normally start out okay, praying and thanking God for all He has given us. Then we have to leave the house and into the world, which has become so corrupt. How many mistakes do we make in a day, do we join in on unwholesome talk, gossip, did we lie, look lustfully at someone, treat someone poorly, and miss opportunities to share our faith. God points out not doing good when we have the opportunity is the same as doing evil. What grade did you get on your test yesterday? Was it a passing mark or did you fail. Keep studying there’ll be another test tomorrow.

Application: Need to be prepared for each day’s test. Knowing that it will come will help me prepare. I need to be observant on what is happening and be ready with the right response. Need to study God’s word so I have the right answer for the things that come up and to know the ruler in this world is my enemy and will do whatever to trip me up.

Prayer: My Lord I need to have my life an open book test. That you will guide me through this and give me the answers. Help me seek you throughout each day looking for answers and being a doer of your word. That there will be no question that I avoid, but try to answer them all in your precious name.

The Lord Fights for Us

Scripture Exodus 14: [14] The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Observation: I like that it says the Lord will fight for you and you only need to be still. Why is being still so difficult for us. We need to be doing something , I know I sit down and read my bible I can’t get my mind to be quiet and still so I can understand the Word Of God. We feel we need to be part of the solution and that something must depend on us or why are we even here. We are here for one reason and that is to love and honor God. If we are not still then we are not obeying or trusting God to do what He has told us He will do.

Application: Practice being still. God has fought so many battles for me but I have a hard time staying on the side line and when I don’t I mess things up. Being still is saying God I trust you, when you want me call me in. There is nothing I can do or nothing that I might possess that God hasn’t given me and I need to wait on Him.

Prayer: My Lord increase my faith and give me the patience I need to be obedient to you. Show me how to be still and wait until you give me instructions and when you fight for me help me stay on the sidelines and observe and be appreciative that you love me so much that You would battle for me.

Teaching Our Children

Scripture Exodus 13:14 “In days to come, when your son asks you, `What does this mean?’ say to him, `With a mighty hand the LORD brought us out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

Observation: I didn’t become a Christian until after my children were grown. Unfortunately I taught them so many bad things by example how to be selfish, to look out for yourself and don’t trust anyone. When I first got saved I tried to explain to my son what Jesus did for me, but he was upset that I put God before him. We haven’t talked in over 20 years, but I pray for him each day, I pray that God will teach him the truth that I didn’t. How different it might have been for him if he had a father that taught him what he needed to know.

Application: I can’t live in the past, but I can make my present the best it can be. I wasn’t able to be a good example to my children while they were growing up, but I can set the best example I can for other children and other adults. We are all teachers using our life experiences and I need to draw from that to help others know God’s will for their lives.

Prayer: Dear Lord you have taught me so much and I know there is so much more to learn. Use me to help tutor others about you unending mercy, grace and love. I’m here as your student please give me wisdom to lead a life that would be pleasing to you.

God Goes First

Scripture Exodus 12: [42] Because the LORD kept vigil that night to bring them out of Egypt, on this night all the Israelites are to keep vigil to honor the LORD for the generations to come.

Observation: We love God because He first loved us. It seems God sets the example for us to follow. Instead of just obeying Him by faith He goes first to encourage us. Then for the ultimate example God the Father sends Jesus to really show us how to live our life. He put the instruction down in writing, but we are slow on the up take and need someone to take us by the hand to show us how to do it. Jesus didn’t just tell us what to do He showed us to the point none of us will do it as well as He did but we have a goal to shoot for.

Application: To live my life differently, to set Jesus as my example each day. Before doing anything ask if that is what Jesus would do and when I stumble, and I will stumble, to ask for forgiveness and guidance to do it better the next time. I want to live a life that others may see Jesus by watching me and when I fail to get up and try harder.

Prayer: My Lord what a beautiful example of love you gave us in Jesus. Help me be more like Him each day, putting the need of others before myself. Take my pride away and fill my heart with love for you and others. I want to be able to hug you when I get home and then feel your embrace.

Our Lord Knows Everything

Scripture Exodus 11:9 The LORD had said to Moses, “Pharaoh will refuse to listen to you–so that my wonders may be multiplied in Egypt.”

Observation: If we listen God will tell us what we need to know, but He is not going to yell and we are going to have to sit still and be quiet to hear. There isn’t anything God doesn’t know whether in the past, present or future. That doesn’t mean everything is good, but again if you focus on God you will be able to see what His plan is. God doesn’t do things for kicks, He does them for a reason and our thoughts are not like His, His are higher than the sky so we need to hear from Him to tell it to us in layman terms.

Application: I need to spend more quiet time with my heavenly Father. I pray, but I do most of the talking. When something happens around me I need to stop and ask God what it is I’m to learn, not necessarily do. I’m good at talking but not very good at listening and I need to do better for God and with others.

Prayer: My Lord I’m a stiff necked man and I’m so ashamed of that. I look at my viewpoints at times to be the only good ones. Humble me and make me a better listener that I will listen much more than I speak. Turn me into the man that pleases you.