Month: July 2022

Will We Obey God?

Scripture Exodus 24: [7] Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read it to the people. They responded, “We will do everything the LORD has said; we will obey.”

Observation: I don’t believe there is anyone that can say I have always obeyed God. Here is the Israelites, probably one of the most stiff-necked people according to God, and they have always rebelled. God makes it clear what the rules are in His word and there is no excuses. One thing about maturing as a Christian, is that I realize quickly when I’m disobeying, but yet I still disobey every day.

Application: Stay in God’s word and be more aware of what I’m doing. Stay focused and look to see what God wants me to do. Instead of always asking for forgiveness when I mess up, try not to mess up. Think things through before I act and have a loving heart. A loving heart towards everyone is something I lack and yet God calls me to have one.

Prayer: Dear Lord help this stiff-necked man become an obedient servant for you. May I obey each of your desires and be a man that follows you with all of his heart. You deserve the best that I have, show me how to give that to you. I love you and want to be a better child for you.

God Knows What He s Doing

Scripture Exodus 23: [29] But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you.

Observation: We always seem to what everything now and patience certainly is not one of my virtues. God loves us and knows what is best and usually the best isn’t getting what we want when we want it. In this scripture God is telling the Israelites that they will possess the land, but it’s going to take a while, and He tells them why, that they wouldn’t be able to care for the land and the wild animals would be to numerous for them to handle. He told them it was going to be longer than a year and a year to us is forever at times.

Application: I need to stop being so anxious about things and wait on God. I need to trust God and His timing in my life. When I look back everything that happened to me had to happen in the time it did or I wouldn’t be here now. Because of God’s timing I have a testimony to share, the most wonderful woman as my wife, a great home and so much more, because of God’s timing I have purpose and am enjoying the best part of my life.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for your patience and for always watching over me. Help me wait on you and know that everything happens in your timing and not mine. I thank you for all you have blessed me with and help me be faithful with all that you have given me.

We Are to Be Holy People

Scripture Exodus 22:31 “You are to be my holy people. So do not eat the meat of an animal torn by wild beasts; throw it to the dogs.

Observation: Holy means to be set apart. We are to be different then the people of the world. God has given us things we must do to be holy in His Word and if we obey the world will know that we Are different. Unfortunately we Christians blend into the world so well that no one can see the difference and then no one can see God through our lives. God has set us apart and as rewarded us because of Jesus. We have eternal life through Christ and God’s hope is that we bring others into His grace so they too will be saved, but we need to be holy so others can see.

Application: Jesus said not to hide your light under a bushel, but to allow it to shine brightly so others can see. That is being holy, set apart from God. I need to be obedient to what God has called me to be and share with others what God has done for me and what he wants to do with them. Give every man an answer of the hope that dwells inside of me.

Prayer: My Lord help me be holy in this unholy world. It seems each day the world becomes more corrupt, help me be a light to others and use me to fulfill the purpose you have created me for. Help me shine brightly for you.

Loving My Master

Scripture Exodus 21:5 “But if the servant declares, `I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,’

Observation: God has given us a choice we can either love Him or not. We can believe what He says or not. We can live with Him for all eternity or not. Our Master has set up rules for us to follow yet He leaves it up to us whether we will follow them or not. We honor Him when we are obedient, it shows Him that we love Him. His rules are for our own good and benefit. I will never leave my master, because I remember life without Him and that is no life at all.

Application: God is my loving Father, but He is also my master and creator. He loves me, and I don’t know why. He is always there for me and corrects me when I do wrong. I need to be in His word each day and be able to feel His presence. It would be easier if I could see Him like an earthly master, but this way it takes faith and faith is what I need to show my love, because without faith I can’t please God.

Prayer: My Lord and my Master. I never want to be set free from you. I need you each day more than air. I don’t ever want to be apart from you again, but serve you in a way that will please you. I love you Lord and what to be always close to you.

Please Keep Me From Sinning

Scripture Exodus 20:20 Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”

Observation: I don’t think a day goes by without me committing some type of sin. I find it so difficult to love each person and my first thought is always a negative one. I might say something and try to justify it or put myself above God and others. Each day is a test on how well I’ll do and even though I might continue to improve I’m far off from being the man I should be for my Lord. I need more fear of my Lord when I decide to do something. Not that He will strike me down with lightning, but that I will fear that I will let Him down, again.

Application: I need to be able to see God in all that I do, He should be my main focus no matter what I’m doing. He is the reason I get up each morning and only by His grace do I even exist. Each day is a test and I need to study, because the results of these tests will be read in heaven and I want a passing grade a grade I will be proud of taking home to my Father.

Prayer: Thank You Lord for each day you have given me whether good or bad. No matter what happens open my eyes to what you are teaching me and that I see your hand in everything that I do. I’m here to serve you and honor you, help me Lord pass the final exam with flying colors.

I’m God’s Treasured Possession

Scripture Exodus 19: [5] Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine,

Observation: I want to be God’s treasured possession. So many people want to be their own person without answering to anyone. I spent most of my life that way and ended up in deep depression. I belong to God and there is nothing greater than being a child of God. God loves me and has set up rules, like any loving father to protect me and bring joy to my life. These are not restrictions, but commands of a loving Father. If you truly love someone you want to please and obey them and we are to love our God with all of our heart, mind and soul.

Application: I do love God but during the course of the day my mind wanders to so many different things I forget about Him. I need to stay focused on God and what He wants for me. He wants only the best for me and He wants me saved and loved. I need to be aware of His desires for my life and stay in His will all of the time.

Prayer: My Father I do love you and forgive me for the way I drift away constantly. Keep me close to you speak into my heart and guide me on this journey you have put me on. Help me be obedient to you for you treat me as a treasured possession, help me be worthy.

Telling Others What the Lord Has Done

Scripture Exodus 18: [8] Moses told his father-in-law about everything the LORD had done to Pharaoh and the Egyptians for Israel’s sake and about all the hardships they had met along the way and how the LORD had saved them.

Observation: This is what every Christian should be doing, telling others what God has done in their life. One of the most precious things we have is our testimony and we have it to share. As bad as my life was without God it is now valuable, because it can help others see God’s love. Our testimony can be used to save those that don’t know the Lord or encourage our brothers and sister.

Application: I need to find more ways to share my testimony to others. I need to get busy on the church list I’ve been working on and see if there are places where I can share my testimony. I know God already has hearts prepared and I need to go and meet those hearts. I should also go out and evangelize and use my testimony to draw others to God.

Prayer: Dear Lord you have saved your servant and have given me a new life. Show me how to use that life to glorify you and to comfort those who need comfort with the comfort you have given to me.