Aroma Pleasing to the Lord
Scripture Leviticus 1: [17] He shall tear it open by the wings, not severing it completely, and then the priest shall burn it on the wood that is on the fire on the altar. It is a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, an aroma pleasing to the LORD.
Observation: In this chapter every sacrifice was an aroma pleasing to the Lord. Did God really like the way they smelled or was it that the people were trying to atone for their sins? It seems every sacrifice whether burnt or grain was pleasing to the Lord, I think because we realize we sinned and needed God to forgive us and that is what was pleasing to the Lord, not the sacrifice itself.
Application: I need to be more aware of my actions to see if they are pleasing to God or more of a stench and if I do sin against my Lord I need to stop and beg for His forgiveness and humble myself. Jesus has already made the sacrifice, but I need to try to live a more holy life to honor what He has done for me. This life belongs to God and it’s just on loan to me and I want to return it in good condition.
Prayer: My Lord forgive me for my hateful thoughts of people, my lazy ways and my self-centerrness. May this life be a living sacrifice, Holy and pleasing to you each day and guide me to be better each day for you. I love you Lord and I do what to be a pleasing aroma to you.