Daily Devotional

How We Reject the Lord

Scripture 1 Sam 8:7 And the LORD said to Samuel, “Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them.

Observation: Whenever we go against God’s will, which is sin, we reject our God. Whenever we put our needs and desires above God’s we are saying we are more important than Him. So often in a day do we reject God? When we say something hurtful to someone, a lie, lust, personal ambition and the list goes on. We are not only sinning, but we are rejecting our Heavenly Father, because we do not listen to His instructions for our life. God is love and has blessed us so much more than we can ever possibly deserve, but I bet a day doesn’t go by that we turn our backs to Him, I know in my life unfortunately that’s true.

Application: I need to realize my thoughts and actions are much more than an expression of my wants, but so often they can be a rejection of my God, who should be my first true love. Rejecting Him is the same as telling Him he is not as important as the things I want to do and that needs to end. I’m on a journey to Heaven and I will be held responsible for all that I say, think and do and I don’t want to hear about all the times I rejected the one who has created and saved me. It’s time to start a commitment to giving myself a hundred percent to my Father and to never reject Him again. At least if this is my goal and target in life I have a much better chance of hitting it then never having anything to shoot for.

Prayer: My Lord I am a sinner and selfish man. My desire is to never reject you anymore. I know I have a very difficult time controlling my thoughts and I need you to help me with the way I am. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and get me through this life without dishonoring you anymore. I do love you, may my life prove it.

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