Daily Devotional

Behaving Wisely

Scripture 1 Sam 18:14 And David behaved wisely in all his ways, and the LORD was with him.

Observation: Behaving wisely or doing the right thing for the right reason. When you are behaving wisely, you are not sinning and if you are not sinning you are close to God. Doing what God calls you to do is doing what is wise. When you are avoiding sin you can hear God’s voice more clearly and do what He is commanding you to do. Following God’s word is wise and fruitful. David did this in all his ways, no matter what He was doing he was doing it in a way that honored God and that is why God was with him, David was a man after God’s own heart and God gave him success.

Application: I would love to say at the end of each day that I behaved wisely, but I can’t. I try, but most of the time my sinful ways get the better of me and I act conceited, rude or say something that isn’t honoring. How can I expect God to be with me if I’m acting contrary to the way He calls me to? I know God’s word and I know how he desires me to behave, but too many times self outweighs wisdom in my life. Every time I act I need to consider what God wants me to do and then do it for God’s glory.

Prayer: Dear Lord you know my heart and you know I want to honor and obey you in everything, but a day doesn’t go by that I mess up. I need your guidance in my life, I need wisdom. Please Lord give me these things that I will lead a life that you would desire to be with me.

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