Daily Devotional

Who is the King of the Land?

Scripture 1 Sam 21:11 And the servants of Achish said to him, “Is this not David the king of the land? Did they not sing of him to one another in dances, saying: ‘Saul has slain his thousands, And David his ten thousands’?”

Observation: This was the saying that put Saul against David and made Saul jealous and now he wants to put David to death. I wonder what might have happened if David gave God the glory right away, that he had nothing to do with the victories that it was God fighting for Israel? What if David proclaimed the Lord was the king of the land. What if he stood in front of the people and Saul when the people began to sing and he insisted to change the words to the Lord has slain his ten thousands? What if David gave God all the glory, what an example he might have set for Saul and the people.

Application: My ego is so big and I always end up it seems wanting the credit for things that I could have only done through my Lord. I might be much better than I use to be, but I’m still so far away from where I should be. There is nothing that I have that God hasn’t given me and when an opportunity comes up as people are pointing to me I should be pointing to God. People don’t need to see or know me, but they do need to know God. I can’t give them anything of any importance, but God can give them salvation. My life should be a reflector, reflecting the light God has given me. God is the king of the land and I owe Him everything, may people be able to see that in my life.

Prayer: My Lord and my King. May I be a representative of you and my good deeds always point to you. I’m merely a servant doing the will of my Master, may others see that in my life, that I serve you. Humble me so whenever I accomplish something good, that it was you using me to do your will.

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