Daily Devotional

We Shall Die for Unfaithfulness

Scripture 1 Chron 10:13 So Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he had committed against the LORD, because he did not keep the word of the LORD, and also because he consulted a medium for guidance.

Observation: There is so much unfaithfulness, not only among unbelievers, but believers also. We pledge allegiance to ourselves or something else from this earth and not to God. We become unfaithful when a decision needs to be made between what we want and what God commands. Who do we seek for guidance, mediums, friends, work associates, but do we take our guidance from God. He has written the book that has the answers and He wants us to come to Him in prayer to find the way to go.

Application: I’m always so busy trying to figure things out instead of going to God in prayer. I have very little patience and react quickly without thinking what God might have in store for me. I’m here to listen and do what my Lord commands me to do, but if I don’t take direction from His word I’m being unfaithful and deserve whatever punishment awaits me.

Prayer: Dear Lord calm me down and give me the patience I need to be obedient at all times of what you desire of your servant. Show me your ways and guide me along this path you have chosen for me. May I always seek your face before doing anything and that I will be faithful with all you give me to do. I love you my Lord and I’m anxious to be with you always.

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