Daily Devotional

What’s Your Skill?

Scripture 1 Chron 25:7 So the number of them, with their brethren who were instructed in the songs of the LORD, all who were skillful, was two hundred and eighty-eight.

Observation: I would love to be able to sing or play an instrument, but that isn’t my skill. My voice is far from a joyful noise, maybe just a noise. However I do have other skills God has blessed me with, I can cook and God has blessed me even with the ability to teach others how to cook, I have organizational skills and have been in management all of my life and God has blessed me with imagination and the ability to visualize things. These are the skills I’m to use while I’m here on earth to glorify God. When I get to heaven I believe I will be able to do things I couldn’t do here, but my service always to the Lord are the skills and gifts He has given me here on Earth.

Application: Instead of worrying about what I don’t have I need to be using the gifts I do have for God’s glory. I shouldn’t take them for granted because they come so easy to me, that is how God gifted me as He has everyone else. These are the skills I’m to use to help others and to be a part of the body of Christ. I need to keep using them and improve them as I grow closer to using them for all eternity in service to my King.

Prayer: My Lord I thank you for the skills and talents you have blessed me with. Guide me in how to use them for your service and to fulfill the purpose you have created me for. May the talents you have given me multiply to you and that I would be a good investment of your love, mercy and grace.

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